Messages 2017

H’s arrival

October 20th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Confucius. Have I not told you that my little birds will flock together, that they will hear my call and come to be in love, to know the joy of one another’s company in this great love and light.

So, you’ve come my daughter. So you’ve come and you have overcome much. You are not to worry as you spend this time together with these dear souls and all who gather. We will care for your parents and all that you love, all the children, all the souls who look to you for sustenance and love. God will care for them beloved daughter. God will care for them, for God has a purpose for you beloved daughter to be in this place at this time, as you well know. As you all come together in love and excitement and desire to serve God, so the blessings from the heavens will pour upon you, so you will be uplifted and separated from the conditions of this world to a place of holy light and purposeful service to God. The Angels rejoice beloved souls that you have come together, that you have heard the call and your souls jump with joy and anticipation to what is to unfold in this great effort. Yes feel the blessings of God upon you beloveds, feel how you are drawn to a place of sanctuary, of beauty, of warmth, for God provides for you does He not?

God provides and all that you require will be provided beloved souls. You must not allow the conditions of the world to impinge upon you at this time and there will be many who will clamour for your attentions. This is partly due to the intrusion of negative forces trying to draw you away from your purpose. You must be strong, loving at all times, but put a line around yourselves that says ‟This is where I must stay, this is where I must be in the light.″ All other conditions that are outside of this line you must give to God and say ‟Dear Father, will you care for these children who clamour and desire so much from us.″ There are times when you must withdraw and be in this prayerful service, prayerful condition so that your souls may grow in the light, expand in the light, expand with the blessings of a Father’s Love. So as you dedicate yourselves to this purpose, God will replenish you beloved souls, you will not be depleted but you will be replenished and uplifted, for when you do the will of God many blessings come to those who are willing and many blessings come through those who serve. This is a law that when you serve in love you receive in love and the more you are willing to give the more that is given. So you prepare yourselves and you work together for a great outpouring of light and love and truth to this world and you must be prepared beloved souls. In order for you to receive what needs to be given, what must flow into your beings, you must remove yourselves from the conditions of this world to a place that is in higher vibrations and light, so that you are capable of receiving, so that these conditions are not too obtrusive and you can receive abundantly.

So you draw your line in love, trusting that God will attend to those matters that are of this world while you attend to matters that are of God. Do not allow your minds to distract you and the great chatter that comes with being in this world. Let this go beloveds and allow the Grace of God to infuse every part of you, to let the mind of your human selves drift away in this perfect light and peace and love. You will ascend my beloveds, ascend to greater light and God will touch you deeply and you will know a great joy in your work together and there will be many blessings from this: manifestations, demonstrations of the truth with the potentials that each soul has to bring the blessings of God to this world given the expansion of the soul in love. You are ready my beloveds, you are ready - to step forward in this way. Continue in your fervent prayers, continue in your strong faith, continue in your love for one another and your love for God and all will be well, beloved souls, all will be well as you step forward in light.

God bless you beloveds, I am Confucius and I continue to stand by you as you grow in the love and seek to serve God with humility, grace and beauty. God touches you deeply beloved souls and shall continue to do so. God bless you beloveds, God bless you.