Messages 2017

I Am Moved Deeply By Your Efforts

November 5th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, I am Seretta Kem. We are greatly amused, for we have given you copious amounts of information and messages. Have you read this information my friends? Have you studied what we have told you? There are many, many pages available to you to read, to study and I would suggest that you study like one would for an exam. Take the bits of information that you glean from these messages and write them down in point form, which will give you quite a great deal of detail as to what is required of you and what you can do with each day in order to sustain the conditions that have been built through your prayers coming together in the dark room and here. As for the stage of development that we are at at this time, think of it as when you put within the mixing bowl all the ingredients to make a cake. Many different ingredients must come into the bowl and be mixed together.

And so this is what we are engaged in at this time, mixing together the various elements that are required in order to enhance the ectoplasm and protoplasm amongst you in your bodies. Bring greater harmony amongst you, so that all of these ingredients might manifest in a sort of homogeneity so that each has the same elements within them as to the others. This is required in physical mediumship and we are indeed in the development phase, my friends, not the preparation phase of development. We have told you of the different experiences that you may have within this phase of development. We have helped some of you to see what is happening as you sit in the dark room and you have compared your notes, so to speak, of experiences. These are all valid experiences my friends, very valid. Indeed each individual will see things somewhat differently, but collectively you come to see the picture quite clearly. So continue to share your experiences, to talk about what it is you perceive that is happening.

The physical elements of this world and the physical elements of the spirit world can be utilized, manipulated and brought together by we in spirit. They are malleable, they can be blended and we have the capacity to do so. And what would cause us to not be able to perform these works? I would say that if you are within the room, in good physical condition and good spiritual condition, you will be able to assist us in this work, at this phase. Of course, we encourage harmony amongst you, this is important. We also encourage that your bodies may be in harmony and that your minds may not interfere with what is happening within the room. This interference may come in the form of boredom, of a lack of belief that anything is happening within that room, a lack of enthusiasm or a lack of harmony of course. You must be uplifted my beloved students, you must be uplifted, joyful, open and simple in your thinking, earnest in your efforts to bring harmony to yourselves and your bodies, your spirits.

Indeed the proportion of work and effort required by you in the physical plane and we in spirit is quite dramatically different. We in spirit must indeed carry the great load and I know you wish to know all the details, but is this necessary? For one, this instrument would not be able to convey these technically scientific details to you, he does not have the capacity to do so and there would be very few in this world that would have that capacity and none of these are mediums with this gift of communication.

The only thing I can suggest for those of you are that curious, is to ask to be shown in your sleep state. We will take you to the dark room and show you the instruments and possibly demonstrate some things that we do so that you may see. If this is what you desire, then we will accommodate you in this regard, but the possibility of explaining the complexities of these procedures is not possible for there are many procedures my beloveds, many complex things happening in your circle. And we often wonder why you are so intent on knowing, somewhat like a patient in the operating room wanting to see the procedure. It is not necessary, but it is necessary for you to comply and to operate within the parameters that we have suggested and to be content with the knowledge that already is given and yes, we will share other things as time goes by. We have explained the main thrust of what we are doing at this time in other messages and in impressions we have given this instrument. What he has conveyed is essentially correct. We have also talked about what you may do in the week ahead. Prayer is important of course, continuing to put your focus upon what it is that you wish to do as this gift comes forth. What do you see in the future? How do you imagine this? This is important that within your mind you have a somewhat clear idea and perspective as to what is possible and to bring this in joyous harmony within you and together. For this gift has many, many possibilities inherit within it and potentials.

You may bring a great depth of knowledge to mankind through developing this gift. You may allow the celestial spirits in all their beauty and glory and Light to manifest to those who are with you. And I know this instrument’s intent that we may speak directly, although his thoughts of the inadequacies of his gift of mediumship are not true, for he is a good instrument and brings about essentially what it is that we wish to speak of. In many ways this is an easier way to communicate, but it is not a way that has a great deal of credibility in your world. This is unfortunate, for if those who are curious had more faith in the potential possibility of gifted mediums in their communications, much of this great effort that is being made would not be necessary. And yet we see, as do you, that there is a very deep skepticism amongst humanity of these things. Yet a powerful and plainly seen manifestation or plainly heard, would go a long way to abate these fears and skepticisms regarding the existence of we in spirit. This would ignite a deep curiosity and openness amongst many. And so you will begin your work in earnest when this door is opened and this gift is manifest in the world.

I know that many will ask how is this possible, how did you develop this gift, give us the details. This is the way of humanity, is it not, they wish to crowd their minds with all the details and yet this is so unnecessary. What is more important is the opening and the development of your souls, of all souls, for humanity has a great deal of information already and yet has a very undeveloped soul in many cases. This imbalance in the world is what it is that we are all trying to correct, to inspire humanity to open yourselves to greater awareness through their souls’ understanding of the Truth. Until this happens, until there is a greater balance amongst humanity, amongst each individual in this world, all the information, all the details will never bring humanity to a place of true awareness and soul understanding. In this regard they are just words, thoughts of the mind, thoughts added to many more thoughts, that add to many more thoughts. The world is crowded with thought my beloveds. The world is burdened with thought. The world is confused by the multiplicity of thoughts and some are true and some are not. Some are useful, but much is not. For what is the purpose of humanity to be in this world? To forge an identity and to set one on one’s course of spiritual development, of growth and awakening. And this is your task beloved souls. This will be what God wishes of you, to teach these simple Truths, to demonstrate these Truths and to be a clear and loving example of these Truths. And with these gifts that will be given, along with many other gifts, you will have what you require to bring forth these Truths in powerful and beautiful ways inspiring many souls. Is this not our goal beloveds, to bring the Light of Truth to mankind? Think of this if you wish to entertain your minds in the next while and think of how magnificent it will be if humanity but changes its course towards Light.

And how will this be done? God has a plan for the salvation of mankind and you are all part of this plan because you have decided within your souls to be close to God and to be in harmony within yourselves. That plan will become evident with each day as God gives you what you require, but not more than you require, because you are tempted by your minds to create detail after detail, thought after thought, constructing ideas and concepts and making your own plans so to speak. If you are given too much information, you will divert yourself off this course, this trajectory that God has planned for each one of you. This is where humility comes into play, to accept with humility what is given, for much is given my beloveds. It is more a matter of you opening your awareness in a deeper way to what is happening at this moment, rather than gathering so much information in words and details. To know within yourselves that you are on the right course, that you walk the path that God has planned for you, that you accept, joyfully so in Love, what is given. These gifts are very precious indeed in comparison to details of the functionality of direct voice. What is given is far more precious and beautiful and important.

And I know you are curious and this is not a bad thing, is it? To be curious, to be open, to want to know and what I’m suggesting beloved souls, is that you become more curious of your own souls, curious of God, curious of your relationship with God, curious of your relationship with one another. That you may release those thoughts that are not in harmony with Love, that you may open the faculties of your souls so that you may see clearly what is truly happening in this venture. Indeed a part of this venture is a physical manifestation involving physical manipulations and these things mechanical.

I find it rather ironic that to reach God we must use machinery, but because of the physical nature of this world and the conditions of this world, this is where we are in our attempts to communicate to humanity. But we are willing to try any means towards this end, to point the way to God. It is interesting indeed to see what is required, the complexity of what must be done in order to forge this link between we in spirit, and you in the flesh. I cannot possibly explain to you the intricacies of these efforts and as I’ve said, it is not necessary. But rest assured my beloved souls you are in the best of care and the most brilliant of spirits are watching over you and working with you and with this venture in order to ensure success.

Yes it is indeed an amazing thing, to see what does manifest and what is in store and you will all see in your own way or feel what is happening. We do not want to keep you in the dark so to speak, even though we certainly do keep you in the dark (a chuckle). But this condition of the absence of light is very helpful to us, so that we may see in detail what is being performed, what operations are taking place. And yes, our goal is to bring this gift to the light of day and we have a ways to go yet, do we not?

Think of this end point, how magnificent it will be to bring this gift to humanity so that all may see and hear. That the manifestation of God may be evident to all. How beautiful and how magnificent will this be in the world? Many will call these miracles, but they are not beloveds. There are merely the manipulations and manifestations of the Laws of God in this universe.

The power of Love brings many wondrous gifts and the ingenuity of humanity and spirit come into play to utilize the elements of the universe to bring manifestations forth. But without the power of Love, without this Light within your souls, within the room in which we work, within all that you do, we cannot bring this forth as it is impossible to bring the higher teachings to souls in this way. It becomes merely the response of mechanical acts performed upon your bodies in this world from our world, and this is not our goal. But indeed we must engage in this phase of development in order to reach a higher level, in order to harmonize the many elements involved within you and within the world of spirit to a point where they resonate together in harmony and come together in perfect precision so that there will be physical manifestations. You have been guided as to your diets, your mental diet and your physical diet. You’ve been instructed to pray often, to work together in harmony, to be focused on this purpose and to let go of those conditions, the worries and cares of this world that hold you back from this. To be patient, to be loving at all times.

This is not so difficult, is it? It is clear, abundantly clear. There is no mystery, there is nothing that must be done that is unusual or unattainable, but the intensity of your desire to bring this gift forward and to do it in harmony with God’s Will and laws is very important. To keep this foremost in your minds and your prayers, to let this sink within your souls, to let God do the work. For God has many angels, spirits who are willing to put forth these efforts, to work with each one of you. Do you desire this my beloveds? I think that it is evident that you do and this is all that is required. Be simple in your thoughts, be humble in your actions, be focused in your desires, be clear and have great faith that you do the Will of God. The Will of God will manifest to those who are in harmony with you, His laws and His Love. So you must be beloved souls, so you must be. Allow the Will of God to manifest through you. Allow His Love to flow into you. Be at peace beloved souls and know that you are truly loved, that all is indeed in good care and flowing in the Light.

There’s nothing to be concerned about, only as to the Light and welfare of your own being which is subject to your own choices and actions. Be responsible and mature and strong. Choose those thoughts that are of high nature. Speak those words that are of Love. Allow God to touch every part of your being, to uplift you and hold you in His embrace as He pours His Love within your souls. You know of this, each of you understands this clearly and we will continue to make progress forward. We will do our work, we promise you this. We will do the upmost to bring about this gift. Can you promise us that you will do the upmost to bring it forth in this world of yours? That is all we ask of you my beloveds. It is simple. May the beauty of God’s Will and His Love for this world manifest and become real for all those who are in this world, that there is no doubt or confusion, that Truth and Love may prevail.

God bless you beloveds, I am Seretta Kem and I Love you dearly. At times you give me great amusement and other times I am moved deeply by your efforts. You are Loved. You are truly Loved. God bless you. God bless you.