Messages 2017

In God’s Love are All Answers

August 9th, 2017

Abbotsford, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


This is Confucius. Yes indeed, at times you keep your angels busy, protecting and assisting you in your lives, but my daughter I assure you that there was no peril in your efforts. No need to feel burdened with this.

There are many more times in each of your lives where peril may be imminent yet the angels help you to circumvent these conditions and you are not aware, nor should you feel that you must be aware of these conditions, merely to walk in faith my beloved souls, walk in faith. Be in the Light. Be with God. As your souls gain more of this blessing of Love from His great Soul, you will be protected. God’s Hand will be upon you, beloveds, and you need not worry as to your fate. As you grow in the Love beloveds, so will you be guided and you will create Light and bring harmony. Is this not your desire? Is this not part of your purpose in life, to bring Love, and harmony and Light, to follow the Will of God, to seek and to express Love?

So many are challenged in this world. The conditions of this world for many; many difficulties and dilemmas and problems. Yes, you know if you seek God, if you seek His Touch within you, many of these conditions, dilemmas and problems fade away. As His Light surrounds you and protects you, as the Light burning within your soul brings you greater wisdom and understanding, as you are strengthened and as you gain soul perception, so you come to understand a way through your dilemmas to seek the harmonious path to Light and Grace. So we urge you my beloveds to seek out God with the yearnings of your souls, to come to know God in your prayers, to allow that awareness and consciousness of God to rise up into your awareness and be your guiding Light in life, beloved souls. For those who desire this and choose this there comes great benefits, great benefits as God blesses and guides you through your life, protects you and brings you the gift of His Love so that your soul may be awakened and understand its true purpose and knows the limits that are asked by all upon this earth, the questions of why they are here living in this world, where they are going, what is the meaning of all this, this experience of life. These questions are answered deep within your souls as God brings truth and wisdom with His Love.

May you continue to pray my beloveds, and seek the Truth, and seek to be loving and kind and gentle and have the unshakeable faith that brings peace within. Beloved souls continue in your journeys to God. Pray for His great Blessing and Love. Open yourselves to this Touch and you will come to know many truths and much joy and you will be a channel of God’s Love in this world. God bless you, beloved souls. May you continue to prosper in this Love and grow and find your peace of mind. I am Confucius and I bless you beloveds. In the Light of God’s Love, I bless you my beloveds. God bless you.