Messages 2017

Individual Guides for Direct Voice

July 9th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


I am Matthew and I am pleased you are together here this night with those others from across the seas in prayer and preparation for direct voice. I will be part of those working closely with you in this preparation and execution of this gift. I will be giving guidance as we progress forward, along with our beloved Serreta Kem. Now, a group of angels, a council of sorts, has been appointed to this group. I will give you the names for each beloved soul who is participating so that you can call upon these beautiful celestial beings for support and guidance as you continue to pray separately and together.

In this effort, as you know Serreta Kem is playing an important role in this effort and is also especially assigned to this instrument and will be bringing guidance and influence upon this channel. Our dear beloved daughter, J1, you have Kea Atta Kem as your special advisor and she is very close to you as you indeed have a special rapport and connection. Beloved J2, you will have Martha with you, a blessing as this dear soul sat for direct voice in the flesh and now understands in very great detail what is required as she has progressed in spirit and is now a celestial angel. B, I will be with you as your guide and advisor. For our beloved H, there is Martin Luther who she is well familiar with. For G, it is Thomas Aquinas who is now a celestial angel. These guides have been specially selected in accordance to your needs and ability to communicate with these beautiful souls. We would suggest that you ask for their presence when you pray and be open to the guidance that will be given.

Each of you has the capacity to receive guidance from these angels who are assigned to you. They have set aside other work to make this rapport and accompaniment upon your journey, so that you are well tended to my beloveds. Your ability to communicate, to be open, to be inspired and impressed will continue to intensify. You will have increased sensitivity and you will feel the closeness of these beautiful angels surrounding you in their love and beautiful spirits. As you continue to prepare yourselves, so will this rapport get closer. You will continue to support one another and communicate with one another your impressions and your thoughts upon these matters concerning direct voice and your role within that great venture. I would suggest it is not necessary to know every detail concerning this gift. I know for some of you, your minds are curious and you wish to know every aspect. We will attempt to get to you those details you hunger for, but do not let it be a distraction from the greater purpose of prayer, of communicating with one another and sharing your thoughts and ideas, your concerns. You have now entered into a special relationship with one another; a very deep relationship, one that requires trust and honesty, love and commitment. With these elements in play you build a great light and a great capacity for we in spirit to work with you. Do not hold back with one another in your love, in your honouring of one another and in your trust. Allow your feelings to flow. For each of you it is important that you have compassion for one another, that you truly understand that each does walk a unique path with a unique perspective. It is important to accept and lovingly acknowledge that each is a precious and beloved child of God and is your brother and sister.

You are committing yourselves to work together to bring a change in the world, a change that will shift the course of humanity and the evolution of humanity so that there may be more balance and light, harmony and peace in this world amongst all who live there on. To commit oneself to this task, this tremendous effort to bring crucial change, greater light and more love to this world you cannot be emotionally hobbled. You cannot harbour hidden fears and judgments about each other. You must release all conditions that inhibit the flow of love between you for you will need one another in the coming times, for strength, for wisdom, guidance, support and fellowship. You will be working closely together as you are guided to those places in this world where you are needed and used as God’s Channels and Instruments to bring greater truth, and wisdom and light. The world as you well know is in desperate need of healing, of truth and of peace. These great inequities amongst humanity are not in harmony with God’s Creation and His laws. You must be able to teach, to bring forth wisdom from your souls, to bring through guidance from God to speak the truth, to live this truth and to live amongst one another in love and harmony. This is your foundation beloved souls and upon this we shall build a beautiful spire of light and truth, love and wisdom.

In many ways you are so innocent beloved souls. You only see the small picture around you, your own world, but we all work for the entire world, for all of humanity and you must adopt this global perspective - this idea and truth that you are connected with every other soul on this planet. You are a part of this great family of humanity and you have chosen to be a beacon of light in this world. You chose this before you were even incarnated. God has given you a purpose, a plan, the gifts and abilities to bring this forth in the world.

You must now accept your own beauty and purpose, that you are a precious soul. You must love yourselves as such and bring the light as fully as you possibly can into your being, yearning for God’s Touch to your soul, being exemplary in every way, for this will not be difficult for you who have been well educated and well blessed. You have these beautiful souls around you, encouraging, protecting and guiding you. Yes, God has blessed you mightily my beloveds, but also God has invested a great deal of light within you to prepare you for these moments to come, this purpose to unfold in harmony and with power. You do have free will. Every step is a choice; every breath is a choice to follow the Will of God or to walk in your own purposeful and mindful ways of life. They are different.

To know God’s Will you must know your own soul or alternatively to live as others do, you need but follow your mind’s ambitions. It is a choice. You may say I do not know my soul well, but my beloved and beautiful precious children, you each possess a soul filled with light, bursting forth, a soul that you may easily and readily connect with and know intimately. You do so in your prayers, you feel this connection, this intimacy, this surety, that yes this is who I am. Because you are human you often fall back into the mindful conditions of the human condition. You walk back and forth between these two states of being, but as you continue to make this journey back and forth the path becomes well trod and your ability to be in the state of soul consciousness is more readily accessible. I would urge you to continue in your prayers, to pray often, to feel the yearnings that your souls possess, to express the desires of your souls to be in rapport with God and open to the inflowing of His Love. This, above all else, will support you and guide you upon this great journey. This, above all else, is that great choice that you make with each breath. Walk with God my beloveds. Walk in the great flow of His Love as He carries you into places yet unknown, journeys unanticipated and awakenings that are both beautiful and awesome in their scope.

As you go deeper within your souls and as God awakens you more fully to who you truly are to walk this path with us beloved souls - we who have committed ourselves to bringing greater light to your journey, your awakening and your efforts because we love you beloveds. We are your special friends, your teachers. We are here to support and protect and guide. Utilize our company and our influence for your benefit. As you pray we will pray with you. As you live through each day we will walk with you. As you struggle, we will help to bring those barriers down and clear your path. Ours is a fulfilling task for we are joyful in our efforts and our desire to assist you in yours. We will know the glories of greater light, of bringing the truth to mankind, of walking a noble path, a path filled with purpose, meaning and great efforts in service for mankind. What more could you desire? What greater gifts can there be than this, to work in the flow of God’s Love, to be an instrument of His Will, to exemplify the power of His Love and to teach of this gift?

You are truly blessed my beloved children. We are all blessed, for we are all touched by God. We will continue to journey together in this mighty effort. God bless you with every step, every breath, every prayer and every effort you make to bring greater light to this world. May God bless you mightily beloved souls and set you upon that path designated by God for each one of you. Thank you for listening to me. I shall come again and again to bring my guidance as will other teachers and those that support you in your venture, for we are all eager to support and love you beloved souls. May His peace and great love envelope you always. God bless you. I am Matthew and I love you. God bless you.