Messages 2017

Lift your eyes up to God

November 8th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


This instrument is asking a question and his question is: “How will I be strong enough to do these things that you ask of me beloved Father? How will I be worthy and clear and filled with Love so that I may truly be in harmony with your Will?”

And I say this is a very good question my students. How will you grow in the Love and in those attributes and gifts that you have so that you may truly work for the Heavenly Father in humility and grace, wisdom and Love. For it is one thing to say pray for the Father’s Love and all things shall come. And this is the Truth all things shall come, in good time. But in the meantime what must you do to build within you that strength, that surety, that strong faith that does not allow doubt and fear to creep in? I would suggest that you look at what has been accomplished in your lives thus far. How you have gone from a soul engaged with the material world like any other soul in this condition of life?

And in many cases you have progressed along your particular path uninformed of the power of God’s Love of your potential, or of your own soul. And then a day came when God touched you deeply and you came to know this blessing, this grace within you and something very profound happened within you, a deep change, an awakening of sorts. So you began to follow and to make efforts to understand what it is that happened, how did God touch you. And your eyes opened a little wider, your understanding a little clearer and you grew because God’s Love touched you deeply and continued to flow into your souls as you prayed for this gift to come. As this blessing continued to inflow into your souls and you continued to search and confirm this Truth, did you not become stronger? Did not something happen within you that allowed your fears, your skepticism, your angers and your angst to lessen, to lessen with each day, each prayer each time you allowed yourself to accept this Truth. In this a strength began to build within your soul, a knowing, an awakening. Because faith became a real part of you something alive and true within you.

As you continue upon this journey and awakening; does not strength build within you? Do you not feel the power of the clarity of your souls awakening and coming to understand more clearly who you are? How beautiful you are - the power of God’s Love within you shining bright, influencing every part of you, changing you. As this happens, those aspects within you, those thoughts begin to fade and new thoughts come into play, with new understanding. You begin to move in the world from a different perspective. Your priorities shift, your thoughts are in harmony with God and less in alignment with the human condition.

This is strength, this is strength my beloveds, to resist the pull of these powerful thoughts that are in error and not in alignment with God, and as you continue to choose, to be with God and in alignment with God, do you not become stronger? Does not life become simplified? Yet your presence, your Love, your Light expands and that part of you so vulnerable and full of fear and judgments contracts, it diminishes day by day. So strength builds within you beloved souls. It is subtle, for it happens with each day, but it is strong within you beloveds. You walk with the sense of knowing who you are, a sense of your own soul, a knowing within you that God is close. This is the strength beloveds – to truly be in that Grace of God and to put aside so many of those human things, to gravitate towards the process of becoming an awakened soul.

A celestial being is a wondrous thing to behold. So very few have the strength and the tenacity and the faith to come to that place of awakening, for often the material mind creates too many obstructions, a great cloud around so many that does not allow the soul to have these clear and profound connections with God. And yet you have done so, you have each felt God’s presence, His Love. You know it and you begin to live it in evermore beautiful and profound ways. You begin to enact the Truth of God’s Love, the beauty of God’s Love within your souls burst forth through you to the world.

This is why, my beloved souls, you have been invited to participate in developing this gift of direct voice because you are strong enough. You are beautiful. You have what is required to uphold this gift and carry it into the world fearlessly. Because your faith is strong enough and your faith is built by the blessing of God’s Love, you have chosen to participate actively in this unfolding of Truth in the world. You have accepted the invitation by God to work with Him and the beautiful angels of Love to bring greater Truth to this world. You do not do so with a casual acceptance, rather, you do so with the fervent commitment to this.

For you see the knowledge of this gift of Love is what can save the world and your desire is that this world be saved, that your brothers and sisters progress into Light and side step the many painful experiences that come with your life on earth when one is not attuned to God. You have proven this to yourself over and over again in your life experience, how the power of God’s Love gives you the strength to overcome any and all obstacles in your way. This knowledge and Truth, wisdom and grace you wish to share with others and we in the celestial kingdom are eager to share with the world the power of Love, that there be many souls in this world who are strong enough, clear enough and have within in them enough of this gift of Love. So that they may bring the influence of Light and the truth of Love. For in their lives in this world you begin to push that mighty wheel forwards, the wheel of Truth and as you continue and as you become stronger so the momentum builds and there will be great movement, great progress in changing the conditions of this world.

God wishes this to be so. He is giving you and others in this world a great many blessings and gifts to prepare you to open this door of service, of Light and of Truth in this world so in need, so in need of Light. May you continue beloved souls to build within you a mighty strength, a wondrous faith, a beautiful expression of Love, for it is in these things all else will come. You will become beautiful channels of the Father’s Love, clear and effective, expressing the Father’s Will in this world. This is a strength that you cannot come by any other means but through your efforts and efforts to rise above this human condition and be in harmony with God. The door is open beloveds and the path is clear. Continue to follow and step forward. And the wonderment of your life to come will be truly, truly amazing. It is coming.

You feel the gifts already building within you, but much more is to come as you step forward with each day. God will pour His blessings upon you like never before, like never before, my beloveds. It will rush into you like a mighty wind. It will come to you with a flood of Light. The Love will be so intense that you will weep and be moved in profound ways. God shall continue to gift you over and over again, my beloved souls as you lift your eyes up to your Heavenly Father, for he awaits your awakening. He pours His Love within you knowing that very soon your souls will be healed and transformed. His gift to you my beloveds, His gift to all who are are willing and open and desire this. So you have accepted His invitation and He has laid a feast before you. And this shall indeed bring many, many changes and blessings to you. God bless you beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine. And I share with you this feast of Love and I Love you. God bless you. God bless you my beloved students. I am with you in Love.