Messages 2017

Love Dissolves All Barriers

August 17th, 2017

First United Spiritualist Church, Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


Blessed children, children of God, I am Confucius. This room is flooded with Light and Love. God’s living waters pour into this. Quench your thirst, my beloveds. Draw this into your souls. Drink deeply, drink long. Drink like a man in the desert for you will never quench this thirst, my beloveds. It is a thirst that carries on as your souls continue to long for these living waters so abundant, so deep, that flow forth from God, His Essence bringing the power of His Touch, the blessing of His Wisdom and Truth, the glory of His Light and Love for you, my beloveds. For God loves each of you in ways and depths that you could never know entirely. For it takes a soul completely healed and immersed in this Love to understand the breadth, the beauty of this glorious Essence of God.

So much awaits the soul that drinks, drinks deep, drinks deep and feels the rushing Essence invade every crevice of your soul, every part of your being. Every longing that you have, deep within you, will be answered and soothed by Love. For God wishes for all His children to come to Him in this way, no matter their beliefs, their culture, where they come from in this world. God loves all, embraces all. There is no need for belief of the mind. There is no need for knowledge of books. There is no need for ritual. There is only a need of prayer and longing of the soul, that deep desire to connect with your Creator. This can be done by the mere child or the great sage and elder. All are greeted by God in Love. All are equal in God’s Eyes. I urge you, my beloveds, to see the world in this way, children of God, brothers and sisters all. Those differences you see amongst humanity are superficial.

Within the soul of each beautiful individual is a jewel beyond price, a gift that God has given to the world. When you love another, when you see another as precious and beautiful, a creature of God, then what barriers lie ahead of you or between you? No, there are none for love breaks all barriers, dissolves all differences, heals all rifts and pains and hurts. When you gaze in love, when you feel the inflowing and the outpouring of God’s Love within you, then you will know a joy and a comfort and a knowing that you and all are one in this great dance of life and God loves all. You will feel love for all and appreciate the differences, appreciate the variety of life and all the different expressions of humanity in this world and all the wondrous firmament of creation. Life dances before you, my beloveds, in all its beauty and varieties, colours and textures, forms and shapes, all beautiful, all a part of God’s wondrous, created gift of life.

Seek to open your understanding that your vision, your awareness from that part of you deep within your soul as God ignites your awareness, your perceptions, with His Love. You will see, my beloveds, you will see the glory of life, the wonderment of God, the miracle which is each and every one of you and your beauty, your beauty. And you will know that you are loved, loved beyond measure, loved for all eternity, beloved souls. Seek this gift. Seek this Touch and you will enter upon a journey that shall last for all eternity, my beloved souls, a journey that shall bring joy upon joy, gifts upon gifts, blessings upon blessings, wondrous, glorious, beautiful.

Beloved souls, you are blessed, you are truly blessed. Confucius loves you. Confucius is with you upon this journey. I shall always be with you as will many from the realms of Heaven, be with you as you travel upon this world, as God touches your souls and awakens you to true life in Love. God bless you. God bless you.