Messages 2017

Love Will Awaken Your Soul

September 28th, 2017

F.U.S.C., Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you. I am White Cloud.

Do you truly love the land in which you inhabit, these places of waters and trees and mountains? Do you love what God has created? Do you love what God has created within your own self, that beautiful soul that is you, beloved souls? It is your true self, your true self. For it is when your souls awaken and blossom in the living waters of God’s Love that you will come to see the beauty that is all around you and the beauty that is within you. Those times when you look upon the ground and you do not notice anything will turn to times where you are joyful, where you see the beauty of life and the beauty of your own existence. 

These things come with prayer. They come with your willingness to put aside that part of you that cannot see, and choose to be strong and true to yourself, to open your eyes and recognize who you are, recognize your true desires and to come to know the great White Spirit, the Creator of all. For when you seek the Source of all life, the Source of Love, and you come with a deep desire to drink of these waters of God, the Divine waters, the waters of Love, when you refresh your souls and come to that place of deep peace, deep knowing, and deep understanding, then you begin to see the world differently. You see the beauty, the power of God’s Creation, the wonderment of all.

So drink deep, drink deep and seek the Touch of the Creator within you. And all will be revealed to your inner self, the soul that resides within, the soul that is capable of knowing so much. Yet that soul needs the Touch of God with His Love to ignite the awareness, to open your eyes that you may not walk downcast but joyful in that place where you and God are reconciled and see eye to eye.

Everyone in this world needs to come to that place of recognition, a recognition of the Creator, so that they may truly understand why they are here, who they are and what is important. To be able to smell the sweetness of the air, to know the beauty of God’s waters in this world, the greenness of the trees, the beautiful creatures, the wonderment that is you. You need to recognize these things so that you may take one further step closer to the Source of all and be in this Light, this beauty, to be in the flow of God’s Love. Choose this, my friends, choose this from your heart. Seek this, seek to be true to yourself, for you desire this within you and yet often you turn away. Seek this Truth, seek God, seek to know yourself and all will unfold. It will unfold. 

May the great White Spirit touch you, beloved souls, touch you closely in a way that you will never forget and always seek more of this blessing. It will be given as you seek it so. Bless you. May the breath of God touch you deeply and keep you close. God bless you. I am White Cloud. God bless you.