Messages 2017

Many are working together for Direct Voice

November 3rd, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Queen Victoria and I too am an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom and I too have a great interest in your work. I shall hopefully appear before many in the world who know of me and I too, shall speak the truth in my own tongue to others. You see there are many, many possibilities that may come from this work, many beautiful angels and spirits that may speak and bring the truth forward. So we are deeply interested and supportive of your work. Our prayers are with you, my dear and beloved friends.

There comes a time where many, many souls in your world will want to know these truths, will want to find their way out of the darkness and confusion of their own lives. So we will all work together to serve God in this way. We are very excited with the prospect of being used as a channel of love for others, for love and truth. Love and truth is coming my friends, beloveds all, it is coming for all. Feel that beautiful joy well up within your souls and know that God has especially blessed you all as you have stepped forward and said: “I am willing to walk this path and be used in this way.” You are all beautiful, precious to God and precious to us.

God bless you. God bless you. Though I am no longer a Queen, I am certainly another member of the Celestial Kingdom and equal to all in my realms, the realms of Love, God’s realms of Love. God bless you. God bless you.