Messages 2017

Many gifts will emerge

August 20th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.

I thank our dear and beloved teacher Augustine for his words of wisdom. For indeed all of you embark upon a journey of awakening and many gifts will emerge in this awakening of your souls. What a blessing it is to have your beloved teacher with you, a bright soul indeed who resides high up in the Celestial Heavens who has much wisdom to impart and much love for each one of you.

You continue to progress towards a higher level within your bodies, your minds and your spirits and to accept that great and beautiful light within your soul as it infiltrates all those aspects of your being. This is indeed a great venture that you embarked upon as you prepare for the Direct Voice. To harmonize all of these aspects of yourselves beloved souls, to accept and integrate the great leaps that you have made within your soul, this great light that you have built as you have prayed for the Father’s Love. Rather than shroud it with the conditions of your mind, with limitations and judgments from your mind, you are now pulling back this veil and allowing the condition of your soul to infiltrate and influence to a greater degree your mental processes. This is what is required, for when you develop this gift of Direct Voice you will need to be sensitive and highly aware of the guidance that will be given, many details that will be brought forth so that you may travel the path intended, encountering the many souls that are awaiting your connection and for the gifts that you will bring and the truth that will come from these gifts and your words and your actions.

So, you are being challenged, my beloveds. There is something within you that is suggesting when you are not harmonizing your soul condition with your thoughts, that this is not what is intended, there is a sense of discomfort, of unease. This will intensify as you continue upon this journey of awakening and understanding for you need to know in no uncertain terms how to conduct yourselves within your thoughts, your consciousness, so that you are indeed integrating and allowing the light of your soul and the consciousness of your soul to be a part of your awareness with each breath. This is indeed challenging for very few in this world are able to function in this way, to integrate the soul awareness with the material mind. This is challenging indeed. But with the power of God’s Love within your souls, this is feasible and possible. But, of course, as you encounter this new way of knowing and awareness in the world, there are adjustments necessary and difficulties in focusing your awareness, like one would focus a lens. Indeed many of you are receiving many impressions and have insights, visions, thoughts as you pray and meditate and go about your daily lives. This is your soul, my beloveds, speaking to you. Now this communication may not be altogether clear for the mind must be able to embrace the awarenesses of the soul without distortion and with acceptance and love. This is contrary to the human condition and so the struggle emerges as you adjust and you release those old patterns of thought, habits and ingrained ideas which inhibit the outflowing of the soul’s awareness and presence within your consciousness. Be aware of this, my beloveds, that indeed the flowering of your soul is happening and this may cause some disorientation, some confusion. It may also bring some delightful insights and some beautiful awarenesses.

You are continuing to release those conditions within your soul that are not in harmony with God’s Love. This is most important. But this too adds to your confusion as these conditions rise up within your consciousness and you must come to grips with these unfortunate and difficult conditions within you.

So you are being challenged my beloveds in many different ways in order to come into harmony. We have forewarned you that because of the commitment that you have made towards Direct Voice that you will indeed be challenged, that you will indeed have to rise above those human conditions within you which hold you within that dark place that is life in this world of the earth plane. So each of you are earnestly praying and making an effort. At times you feel frustration and pain, at times elation, at times you receive insight and are excited by these new awarenesses that are dawning within you. Indeed how difficult it must be for you to sustain a heightened, joyful condition within you as all of these elements come in to play and interact and push you this way and that as you seek to be dwelling within that higher level of awareness that comes with soul consciousness and soul knowing in the light of God’s beautiful Love that resides within you and around you. But this is the goal. This is what you must aim for. We do not judge you or condemn you when you fall short of these goals. No, my beloveds, our love for you is great and we understand the struggles and the efforts that you are making to rise above. How many in this world make these kinds of efforts and are consciously trying to put aside those heavy conditions that beset every soul on this planet? You are forging a trail that many will follow in time and you are strong enough, my beloveds. You have all that you require to come to that place of harmony. You know that you need to be strong and to be in harmony. The power of the Father’s Love is what will bring you to that place. The power of the Father’s Love is what will facilitate your efforts for Direct Voice. This unique and extraordinary gift opens up many doors, brings many unique gifts and will do so regarding these efforts that you collectively desire to engage with.

Do not feel discouraged when you sense unease and confusion. When one moment you are feeling the joy and another moment pain – this is all part of your birthing into light and with every birth there is a struggle, there is a way of strengthening and testing. This is how it is in God’s Universe as He gives His gifts of Love, His blessings of healing, His peace. He gives so much to you freely, but indeed you must struggle to reach, to pull yourselves up into the light and in this struggle you learn much and are strengthened greatly. You are given many gifts in order to understand and to grow so that that great channel of love within you may be clear and beautiful and perfect. So you continue upon this journey and we continue to assist you, walk with you, to pray for you and to seek to serve you for God does indeed give His loving support, these beautiful blessings, as you sincerely reach for the highest of blessings, as you continue to desire to do the greatest good in harmony with the Will of God.

So we continue my beloveds, we continue to journey forward, to work together, to grow and to be strengthened as we attempt to bring forth these gifts to the world. Yes, it is a time of testing and strengthening, it is also a time of great awakenings. Many rewards will come as you continue to struggle in this way and to flower and flourish in the Love of God. Remember, you are growing. You are shedding a skin. You are learning to open your eyes to see differently, to know from that place within your soul, to truly know truth and to express truth in your lives. These are all noble things, blessed things, things that are in harmony with God and in this you will know a great reward and a wonderful awakening, a deep joy within your souls.

God blesses you mightily, beloved souls. God blesses all who are a part of your lives as this light shines forth, shining forth to many, many souls as you continue to open that channel of love to this world. Blessed are the children who seek to serve in this way, who humbly come to God and ask for His blessings of Love and to be used as His channels of Love and Truth, to be given the gifts and instruments that will bring truth to mankind. Blessed are these children who are God’s children and they shall be blessed mightily.

God bless you, my beloveds. I am Seretta Kem and you are also blessed to have the Master with you as you pray in this way. So, he comes to bless you, to strengthen you and to overshadow you in your prayers. God bless you. God bless you.