Messages 2017

Message to H

December 10th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C.

Received by Al Fike.


I am Martin Luther and I love you beloved daughter and you know that we are close. You have a deep desire to help your brothers and sisters in the home country (Germany) as did I when I walked there. I brought reform and the peoples accepted it and it changed the culture of our land. Are you prepared as well, my daughter, to bring reform? Are you strong enough? Are you willing to walk the highways and byways of this land and bring the Truth of God’s Love? You feel the destiny that is about to unfold. You are eager and you know that the Truth that you bear is a great treasure and gift to your brothers and sisters.

You must allow God to guide you through as things will not happen as you imagine but happen as God guides you along that path. It requires some humility and some patience - all to flow in God’s timing. I am not suggesting that you abandon any efforts that you might make to bring Truth to your brothers and sisters. On the contrary I encourage you to do so. But the outcomes of your efforts will come as you bring yourself closer to God and release the expectations that you may have towards these goals of service. In this way God will guide you freely and you will touch individual souls in deep ways as a channel of His Love.

Just as our beloved brother Jesus walked the roads of his land in faith, guided forward each day, bringing his truth in simple and loving ways, I say the peoples of our land hunger and thirst more powerfully than did those people at that time of our beloved Jesus. They are in greater need. So God wishes to bring this Truth to our brothers and sisters. It is His Will to do so and in this you must go deep, deep within yourself and listen, listen for the promptings. Allow God to bring clarity and strength, purpose and to utilize your gifts, beloved daughter.

There is a plan for this world of yours. Each of you and many more will find your way within this plan. Each of you are a thread in that great tapestry that reveals God’s plan. You assist in holding this beautiful plan together in harmony. You have the power, beloved souls, the power that comes with Love, that comes with your connection and relationship with God. You are just beginning to awaken to this. It comes new formed in your awareness and it requires time to mature and gain strength within you. Thus patience is necessary at this time.

Changes are happening in this world of yours. So many changes are coming, one heaped upon another upon another. When these things come about and you are ready and like a runner at the race your feet are placed ready to sprint forward at the right time, poised at the ready. This is how it will be. You will sprint forward and nothing will stop you. The power of God’s Touch and Light will be all about you, beloved soul. Your friends will assist you and accompany you. But you are meant to lead the way, my daughter, you are meant to lead the way. You have the vision. God has given you this vision. Do not doubt yourself. Embrace what God has given you, my daughter. Bring it close to your heart and rejoice, rejoice beloved daughter, for the gifts that God has given you are great. The blessings that will flow from you and through you will help to bring change and comfort and Light and Truth to many souls. This is your destiny. This why you are here in this world, to bring this Truth to mankind. Each of the souls with you at this moment have been given this responsibility and blessing and each will travel the road that is destined for them.

Our beloved Father has a plan for the salvation of mankind. He is preparing His beloved instruments of change and Truth and Love to step forth into these conditions of change, to bring Truth and harmony back to His beloved beautiful world so that all within may live a life of peace. Your brothers and sisters do not feel peace. They are anguished. They carry the burdens of their forefathers and they feel lost in this dark place and yet they want to be released from this burden. You will help to show them the way to do this for you understand their struggles and you wish to bring relief and healing to all that you meet. So the desires of your soul will bring these outcomes in the world in harmony with God’s Will and plan.

Much awaits you, my beloved daughter, my beautiful reformer. I will stand by your side always. For what you will bring to the world is far greater than any work I did, far greater. Yes do you not see yourself, my beloved daughter, as having courage? You have much courage. When you see the task before you, you will not shrink in fear. You will stand up tall, step forward in faith for it is God Who will give you the strength, the courage, what you need to bring Truth to your peoples.

May peace be with you, beloved daughter, and to all of you here. There are many angels and spirits that surround you all. They too wish to see reform in your world. They gaze upon you all, all of you here in this world, and they pray for salvation for each soul that suffers, each soul that is lost, each soul that yearns for Love. You have all the Love and support, my beloved friends, for the work that you are about to embark upon. Remember to go to God for all your needs, to have faith that God will indeed provide for you.

The gentleman that you mention is a true example of this. He lives his life with faith. He gives in service his gifts and his truth. So you too, beloved souls, will be asked to work in this way, a true expression of faith and the strength of your souls and your connection with the Creator. You have made great strides in the past weeks. You are coming to the culmination of your efforts. Your souls glow ever brighter with the Love of God. So this beloved Light, this powerful blessing within you must expand and fuse with every part of you. It is the power of Love that will change you and change your world. Step boldly, yet step with me to allow each day to unfold in the blessing of God and His intentions for you. Each day will be a gift, precious and full of delights for the soul.

May you continue to find your way, my friends, along the Path Divine and truly come to know your Heavenly Father who knows you down to every cell and part of you and loves each and every aspect that you are in His Creation. His blessing continues to pour upon you and you continue to awaken. Every part awakened and comes alive. You feel it tingling all within you. So, every day more of you is claimed by God, more of you receives the healing gift of His Love.

May His blessings continue to fill you, to heal you, to change you. God bless you, beautiful and beloved souls, courageous souls, gentle souls, loving souls. You will find your way. God bless you. I am Martin Luther. I come in Love. God bless you. God bless you.