Messages 2017

Much work awaits

October 21st, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


My daughter, you have accomplished much in your time away from this place. You have given wholeheartedly to those who needed you. You gave love wherever you went in your country and in your travels. God is pleased, God is pleased with your efforts. You will fulfil your tasks at your home in your country where there is much need. You are not to feel that your efforts here will delay what is meant to be for those at home, for God has sent his angels to watch over all that you are responsible for. There will be harmony and there will be a reward for your efforts here my beloved daughter as the pace of your efforts to create a home for the children will quicken when you return. All will come in harmony, all that is required will fall into place and you will be very pleased with the outcomes. For God blesses those who hear His call and answer. God gives wholeheartedly and abundantly for those who are receptive. So, my daughter, do not worry, continue in your joyful anticipation of what is to come and put aside any worries or cares. All will be abundantly blessed, all is under God’s care.

My beloveds, may the Father’s Love continue to pour into your souls unceasingly. Between the three of you is a powerful bond of love and as your souls quicken in this love, so you become a powerful agent within your circle, to bring many blessings and outcomes, pure efforts. Continue to be strong, my children, continue to seek each other’s council and to be in harmony together for between you there is a great light, a beautiful harmonious condition of love and it is the power of this love, the harmony of your relationship together that will fuel much of this work now and in the future. Much wisdom will come to you all, for you each have gifts that are complementary to the others and this makes for a powerful channel of the Father’s Will and Love in this world. Remember this, beloveds, for the world has a way of drawing you away to other things and yet God wishes for you to work together and will provide the means for you to do so in this world.

There is much work awaiting as you all know and feel the draw to venture forth into the world to fulfil God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. This is the time beloved souls, this is the time. God will guide each step.  God will ensure that you are in the places you are meant to be with the souls who await you, and though there will be no fanfare and great sense of anticipation, each soul will recognize the light and the love that you carry as you walk humbly in the world. You will bring your gifts and the gifts that you develop in this time. This will bless many and inspire many. 

So you will hear God’s promptings, you will follow your guidance. Each of you will bring a piece of what is meant to be and share with the others to complete the picture, to give you what you require to carry forth in this world as God’s instruments of truth and love. Trust in what God provides and gives in wisdom and harmony and love. Your faith continues to grow stronger, your understanding clearer and your love deeper. Trust in the power of your soul, know this gracious being with God as your soul revels in the light of His love, expands with His holy touch and blossoms in this light. You will continue to grow, will continue to teach, to heal and to love for you have waded into the river of His Love and this current is about to sweep you forward. Let go and let God carry you beloved souls. Do not fret as to what may happen in the future but know that God has it planned and has done so with the infinite wisdom of His Soul. Trust in this, beloveds, trust as my son trusted in God’s plan as He carried him and brought him to many souls who were eager to hear the truth of His Love, Divine Love. So, in this world, so different from his, you will carry the truth of love and there will be souls eager to know and to feel this precious gift within them. This is your mission and this is your calling as disciples of Jesus and instruments of God. Feel this as the impetus of your life, the true calling of your soul. Feel this as God places His calling upon you and has provided you with all that you require to do this work, to follow His will, to step forth in a world so in need of greater light and truth.

You are mightily blessed my beloveds and you shall continue to be so. In the days ahead you will feel the power of God’s love uplift you and heal you and change you. Is this not God’s promise that He shall bring you the awakening of your souls and so it shall be and so it is? God bless you beloveds. God bless you and we are with you, all are with you in your struggles and efforts to bring greater light within yourselves and greater light within this world. Know that you are never alone, always loved, that you carry the great flame of truth and shall bring the world a light with this holy flame that will burn away the error and darkness and clean the world to make it more in harmony with the Father, and His Laws of Love and Creation. God bless you beloveds, I am Mary. I am with you, I love you. I love you dearly. God bless you.