Messages 2017

Releasing the Control of the Mind

October 23rd, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, my beloveds. I see that our friend Seretta Kem has been rather firm with you, my friends. This is usually my responsibility, to take you to task. (A message from Seretta Kem on the 23rd was not recorded.)

I wish to explain to you why this message to you is somewhat firm. Some of you have commented that indeed you are taking your responsibility seriously and that you have made every effort to comply with this request to attend this development circle. Certainly in a material way you have made every effort to comply. Some of you have made extraordinary efforts to comply. This is not what our friend is referring to, for we do indeed appreciate your efforts. We have heaped praise upon you for these efforts, my friends.

What needs attention is the relationship between your minds and your souls. For we see within you hesitancies, ambivalences and even fear that originates from your mind. Often you are not completely aware of these mental conditions for they creep up on you from old and deep parts of your mind that still requires the healing balm of the Father’s Love. So it is in these aspects of your being, these hidden places within you where there is a need to bring it into the light of day and to be forthright and honest with yourselves. We are not trying to indicate that you are flawed, beloved souls. Even though in truth, all souls in this world are flawed. All souls have been affected by the conditions of this world that have accumulated over many, many thousands of years. So you cannot assume that you are immune from these conditions. For even when you incarnate you inherit many of these conditions. These first onslaughts from the world make the deepest wounds. Over the years of your life you have layered over many of these things in your efforts to cope with an unloving world. So it requires a bravery, a willingness and a vulnerability to come to the realizations of these hidden dark places within you.

I am not suggesting that you linger and spend a great deal of your energies upon them. No, my beloveds, I suggest that you take these things to God in earnest prayer and desire to release them, for God to take them. Since you are each under a special dispensation and a great Light, this is the time to take full advantage of what is available to you. For there have been very few times in your life where such Light has been poured upon you, with so many blessings and so many angels attending to you. God’s Hand is firmly upon you.

I know you wish to be lighthearted and joyful and you have been encouraged to be so and I do not discourage you in this regard. But in those private times of prayer where you are alone with yourself and with God, these are the times when you must ask God to open the dark chambers within you that they may be released. Ask God to help you to recognize those old patterns within your mind so that they may be changed. Ask God to help you to truly love yourselves for in the power of this Love that you carry not just for others but for yourselves all of these conditions are dispelled and released for Love and the lack of Love cannot abide together.

So, my beloveds, you see the road ahead of you. You eagerly anticipate what may come. Yet some of you even have trepidation as to what may come. It is one thing to dream of the future and another to see what may be within your grasp, with the responsibility that this entails, the effort and the changes that will come. When God calls upon you to be His humble servant, to walk a road that is guided with each day, it is difficult for mortals to release the sense of control and power in their lives and to give way to God. Yet it is the most freeing thing to let go of this sense of control, to release the sensibilities that are harbored within the mind and not in harmony with the soul’s desires. You are coming to recognize the power of your own souls and the desires of your own souls. Your souls do not feel reticence or fear or a desire for control. No, your souls eagerly anticipate the Will of God and His Touch upon your life. So you must plunge into your souls to be in that place of true awareness, of trusting in this new awakened state of being, a place governed by Love, a place in communion with God. This informs all and has the ability to make these decisions that lay before you, that you wholeheartedly embrace the understandings of your soul and release your need to rationalize your life with your minds. This is a difficult task. It is a great challenge to each one of you - to walk in the flow of God’s Will is very different from your journey in life adjudicated by the mind.

But indeed, for you to be successful in this venture, to truly know the Will of God, to truly be such a Light that the angels may manifest through your gifts, your attachments to the error that lives within your mind must be released. I will tell you that your minds do indeed feel trepidation, do sense a tremendous change that will change everything within you. Where the mind is used to its predominant position this must be ameliorated and come into harmony with your soul. It is only you that may do this, my beloveds. We cannot do it for you. It is your choice as your desire and your will. God may indeed bring you copious amounts of Love, of insight, revelation, understanding, wisdom, many gifts, and many aspects and abilities that will help you to understand that this is the right choice, the right course of action. But as long as your minds resist and feel the fear of change, true change within you, you will not step forward in this way. You cannot because in order to serve God as a true channel of His Love, obedient to His Will you must allow the predominance of your soul. This part of you, this precious yet subtle part of yourselves must take precedence. This does not happen with a flick of a switch, no. It is a gradual thing as the Love within your soul wears away bit by bit the error of your mind and slowly brings it into harmony with Truth. Yet in this condition that we find ourselves in together there is a quickening of this process. But it requires your focus and awareness and your desire to truly allow this healing process to take place within you.

You are all at a different place in regards to this challenge. Your perspectives are different. Your minds are different. The conditions which you harbor are different. Your biases are different. But the challenge is the same for each one of you, to continue to walk in the Light more fully, to be in harmony with the Truth more completely, to express Love with such intensity and beauty and power that all within you and around will change and be influenced by the grace of God’s Love. You see, my beloved friends, my beautiful students, how we have nurtured you for so many years, how we have brought Truth to your awareness and Love to your soul. Now you wish to step forth with greater strength and Light. But in order to do so these things, this must be attended to. It requires your attention and your efforts. They are not so big, my friends, as you might think, not so challenging. With the beautiful influence of the angels, the wondrous blessings of God you are carried so, uplifted in Love and with this you may release those encrustations that persist and fall away more readily in this condition of Light and Love.

When this is done we may truly focus our efforts and energies upon the development of the Direct Voice. Nothing will stand in its way. Nothing will draw the energies away. There will be such joy, such power and desire and fervency within you that this gift will naturally flow from you, my beloveds. This is our fervent desire. This is God’s Will and this surely must be your desire and will, to step beyond the old facades and be free within your true selves expression of your souls. It must come if not today, tomorrow. It must come for this is the power of God’s Love within you. This is the goal of each soul that yearns to be at one with God, to release all conditions that are not in harmony with Love. So you will, beloved souls. So you will take your steps forward, release the weight around you that you may be free, free forever.

God bless you, beloved souls. Your teacher Augustine continues to point the way for you. I do so in Love as do all the angels bring their Love to you and bring Truth. God bless you, beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine and I continue to accompany you upon your journey. God bless you.