Messages 2017

Releasing the darkness within by receiving the Father’s Love

October 27th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I see some of you are having dramatic reactions to the conditions that are infusing into your bodies and souls and spirits as you adjust to these new conditions bringing forth various reactions within your minds and your souls.

This is a very powerful and positive thing that you may become more engaged with your souls, more attuned to the conditions within yourselves, with those old memories of the mind causing you some disturbance as they are flooded with this energy that we are infusing within each one of you. But this is a great blessing, my friends. You are coming together in a rather unusual environment, different from your prayer sessions that you are used to having together. Like anything that is different, it stirs your consciousness, it shakes you up as you are prone to say. Thus, with this disturbance comes new awareness and awakenings. One might say you are being shaken awake! Parts of you that you are not used to being aware of or utilizing, are now coming to life. Thus it is, with growth - growth of the soul and growth of the mind. New conditions become an integral part of your consciousness and an adjustment and acceptance to integrate these conditions must come and that which is not in harmony with these new conditions must go and must be released.

Yes many of you are stubborn and wish to hold on to these old patterns of thoughts, these old emotional disturbances and memories. It takes time, it takes time for these things to be released. But as you continue to sit in this new environment with these new energies and blessings, combined with the familiar blessing of the Father’s Love, you must have a response. It is inevitable. Whether you accept this response or not is your choice. Whether you are willing to face those things deep within you that are longing to come forth into your consciousness and your soul longs for these things that are not in harmony with Love to be released. For your soul knows - it knows that it wants and desires. There is a strong pull to God, to harmony and to Love. Resistance comes from the mind - the well defended mind. When you feel vulnerable and when that defense falls away, often there is fear, even embarrassment and shame to feel such things within yourself for you are taught at an early age to be in control and that which is not acceptable to you or to others is hidden, pushed down deep within you like some terrible secret. Yet Love must enter into these places within you as well - it must. It cannot abide in some places and not others. This is not the way of Love.

The Love of God we often call the living waters. These waters flood into your soul and they must impregnate every part of your soul. They seep into these places loosening those things that are dark and lodged within. Here, as you pledge your love for one another, your acceptance and your support - is this not where you may release these conditions and be free of them? Here amongst your brothers and sisters who understand that these things must be released, who wish and long for your freedom that each one of you may join together in joyous freedom, in loving communion and Light?

You must trust one another, my beloveds, and you must trust yourselves. For beneath these layers, so dark and hidden, is joy and a great relief when these things are released, a great relief. Often one wonders why one held on for so long these conditions so powerful, those things within you that lack Love. God hears your prayers, my beloveds. God hears your prayers that you may come close to Him, that you may be in the flow of His Love and that you may come to know your true selves, that your souls may receive a constant inflowing of the blessing of His Love. When this blessing comes to you and you are surprised when there is a shift within you, when you are disturbed to life and you come to acknowledge those places that need healing and must receive the transformative Love so that all may be of Love. This should not be surprising but this is how the power of God’s Love works. It changes you, it changes those deep parts of yourself and with this change comes a welling up of Love, a deep compassion and love for your brothers and sisters. As you go through the fires of transformation and healing you begin to see that all have this challenge and must go through these fires as well.

You begin to understand why it is that so many turn away from this Love, this blessing, for intuitively they know the power of it and what must come of it. That one cannot live upon pretense and upon shielding the mind so that only certain aspects of your personality and experience may come to the fore while others are repressed. No, my beloveds, this is not the way of Love. All must come into Love, into this Light, into this blessing and be touched and transformed. It is the Law of Love, my beloveds. It is the way of Love. 

So you will see when this great gift of Direct Voice is established in the world that even when the Truth is plain to see and given clearly, beautifully, powerfully, many will turn away not because they do not believe you but because they are afraid. They are afraid of the power of Love, the power to transform and to change and to bring forth those hidden parts that each beloved soul carries in this world. You must reassure them, beloved souls. Talk of your own experience, talk of your own progression in the flow of God’s Love. Many fear that they will be annihilated, lose some vital part of themselves in this process, but nothing is further from the truth for all becomes recognized, integrated and brought into harmony. Nothing is lost and everything is gained. You must teach this, my beloved souls, you must teach this. For the reformation of the soul will change this world and change everyone upon it. It must be. This is God’s Will and His desire that all will come to harmony in Light. 

What will they choose is for them to decide. But Love is always there, always available, always given to those who desire it. This wonderful blessing that lifts up each soul, lifts them up from their pain, their burdens, their fears and the error that resides within. You, my beloveds, must be a light expressing Truth, living every moment in Truth in this harmonious Love. This is your challenge, my beloveds. For you to be effective instruments and associates in this gift of Direct Voice, you must live the Truth. You must be a shining example of the Truth for without this you may achieve a measure of success but in the end you cannot sustain it without Love.

My beloveds, my brothers and sisters, do you now see that the challenges that you face to bring the Direct Voice to this world are many? Some are within and some are without, but all require a strength, a focus, a dedication and a desire to seek the highest, to seek God in all things, to walk in the Light of His Love and to be a clear channel of His Love in the world. This is not a trifling matter. It is serious indeed, for what is required to come to that place of strength and harmony and knowing the Will of God and expressing His Love is contrary to the conditions of this world that draw you away constantly. Seeking to draw you away from these things, from what must be within you. So at times you feel a failure, you feel the burden of these earthly conditions holding you in a place that seems removed from God, but I tell you, your souls continue to shine with this Love while your minds stubbornly persist in having control and being within the human condition.

These times of frustration are only temporary. Have faith, my beloveds, have faith in the power of God and His Touch upon you. Have you not seen this so through your life? If you look back to how you were many years ago and how you are now? Do you not see your own progress? Do you not see how God has indeed changed you with His Love? Sometimes, despite yourselves, this change has come about for the power of HIs Love within your soul continues to find ways, passages into your consciousness changing those parts of you which are so set, these patterns so strong and yet the power of God’s Love continues to dissolve these things within you. That water seeps into every crevice and into every part of you, dissolving, changing, nourishing and healing you. This is the power of God’s Love. This is what you must come to understand with each day that the power of God’s Love is working within you, each one of you here with no exceptions. It is working within you. Though your experiences of this may be different, the effects are the same. The effects are part of the Law of God’s Love. They are inevitable. Yet the timing of this is reliant upon your own willingness to capitulate so that your minds may accept, and that you are willing to look within yourselves, that you are willing to see those parts that are not beautiful, because within the seeing, the acknowledging and the prayer they become beautiful. What is not beautiful, is left behind but what is essentially a part of you within your soul is transformed. Bit by bit you are transformed, whether you acknowledge it within your mind or not, this continues to happen within your souls. It is easier if you allow yourself to acknowledge this, if you allow that vulnerability, those heartfelt emotions, those fears, those judgements and those conditions that are unloving to well up to the surface. Rather than feel shame or judgement or condemnation of yourself, feel joy. Be joyful that God’s Love is truly working within you and with this recognition of these dark conditions is the beginning of the release, of healing and of change. This is a gift. What you feel or even what you do not feel is a gift. It is setting you upon the road of change, of healing, of bringing your soul into completion, of harmony, of transformation into Love. This is what you all desire and this is what is required if you are to be successful with this gift of Direct Voice. It is a byproduct of Love. It is the byproduct of your own soul’s progression. It is a gift that awaits these times of healing and transformation so that your soul may expand and grow in Love giving the fuel that is required for the expression of this gift. So it will be, my beloveds, so it will be. As you continue to pray together, to seek Love, to seek to be more in harmony with Truth, with God, your souls will absorb and reflect the great gift of God’s Love.

My friends, your spiritual journey is not an easy one. You know this, we know this, God knows this. But it is the most rewarding journey you will ever take. I say this because your life goes on for a very, very long time. With the transformation of God’s Love it will be for all eternity. Yet this very time within your existence in the world is crucial and is of such importance and such a powerful defining time in your life directing you towards God, towards the Truth and serving God in the process and serving God in Love. None of these moments are wasted, my friends. Every moment you are together, every moment you are in prayer, every moment you are in contemplation and seek to truly understand and to know the awakenings of your soul is truly a moment that is a gift from God.

Beloved souls, may God continue to bless you. May the angels continue to walk with you. May your souls continue to awaken with the Touch of the Father’s Love. No higher Truth there is than this. No greater blessing than this. No more wondrous opportunity in your life is this, this precious time where your souls come to know God and to know itself in the presence of God. Seek ye the kingdom, my beloveds, and all things shall come unto you. God bless you. I am Martin Luther. I too love you very much, very much. God bless you.