Messages 2017

Sincere Prayer is a Longing From the Soul

July 31st, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


Commit yourselves to prayer, my beloveds. Spend time each day in prayer, to be with your Heavenly Father, to be within yourselves, your soul, to seek His Love, to be in His Presence. You see, this practice and habit will nurture your soul into Light. To do so each day, to be committed to this practice of prayer will ensure that God will have His Hand upon you, beloved souls, will ensure that you build a Light within you, will ensure a measure of harmony and peace and joy.

When you commit yourselves to this daily practice of prayer and you come together in circles such as this, you bring your Light, you add your Light to those who are present to this circle, to bring greater Light, to bring a blessing of Light to this world. But I do not say that you should say a prayer out of obligation or habit. No, my beloveds. Every prayer is a sacred moment and opportunity to speak from your heart to God, to express your longings to your Heavenly Father, to set forth your intentions, your desires. When you reach for the Highest, when you seek the Blessings of the Father’s Love, you will feel a great inflowing of this most wondrous Essence of God. It will uplift and heal and bring peace and joy. But if you sit in expectation only, not going to your soul, not feeling that longing within you, not being sincere in your prayers, all you will feel is a vacuum around you. For nothing is happening when you express nothing other than that which is in your mind. Sincere prayer is a longing from the soul, a desire. It is sacred. It is precious and it is beautiful.

So beloved souls, say your prayers with feeling, express your prayers with longing, set aside the conditions of your minds and go within your soul, knowing that there lies your true self and what you truly desire. The mind may have an idea of what it is you really desire, but the soul knows, the soul truly knows and seeks God in this desire for communion and connection of Love. So do not come to these circles or come to God when you take this time in prayer and sit and wait to receive something without expressing a true desire within yourselves, a true longing. For this is what opens the door, this is the key that you need to elicit a response from God.

I know, my beloveds, you enjoy the company of each other, you feel the joy of fellowship. You come together, joyfully expressing yourselves to one another. When you come together for God you must focus yourselves to the Heavenly Father. Be with God in your heart, long for that great inflowing, long to be guided, to be embraced and comforted. Be in that great river of His Love and all will flow freely and abundantly, all will be given in accordance to that which you desire. Come to know your true desires, beloved souls, come to know this from that true place within yourself, that place where you truly reside within your soul and express this, express this, beloved souls. “Seek ye the Kingdom and all shall come to you”, this old, old phrase from our beloved Master Jesus - the Kingdom of God awaits your call and is available at any moment in which you express your desire, your longing, your sincere prayer to God.

The moment is now, my beloveds. Come to know the longing within you, come to know God’s response as you receive His Blessings. Be together in one voice, beloved souls, in that prayer not from the mind, but from your soul: “Father, open my soul to the Inflowing of Your Divine Essence, open my soul”. Do you feel the longing within you, my beloveds? Come to know this, express this. This longing is your friend, this longing is truly you. Never neglect to be aware, to honour this longing within your soul and God will always be there, present, loving, pouring His Love within you.

God bless you, beloved souls, God bless you. May that Peace that passes all understanding be yours, a gift to you, beloveds. God bless you