Messages 2017

Soul Growth

July 3rd, 2017

Gibsons B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


It is so good to see you, beloved souls together, in the Light of God’s Love, in the light of your bonds and friendship together, this fellowship of Love. As you come together and in your prayers, you create this well of Love and Light where you may be refreshed and blessed in your communal prayers as you come to give love to one another, to acknowledge, to be a channel of Love in this world and in your world.

The winds of change are blowing for each one of you, beloveds. As you adjust and come to recognize new ways of being in the world, new ways of acknowledging your presence in the world. For you have changed within your soul. The Touch of the Father’s Love has had its effects upon you and has brought shifts of understanding and of being. As you prepare yourselves to walk over that bridge, to a place of deeper commitment and knowing and understanding, of deeper love, of loving yourselves, of expressing love in this world, of knowing God in a way that will be somewhat different for each one of you. For as you grow in the Love, beloveds, so these changes are wrought within you, incrementally, step by step. Your vision opens, your understanding deepens, your connection with God broadens and you move along upon this road, this journey of awakening, accepting more of the Truth, bringing it within you, letting it settle and then expressing this Truth in your lives, bringing changes of perception, changes of priorities, changes of viewing the world and yourself within it.

This is all part of your soul growth, your soul awakening, your eyes opening, the power of that Love within you igniting the mind of your soul, the perceptions and faculties of the soul. So, you gradually shift and migrate from those long adhered to perceptions and beliefs of your mind to a place of soulful understanding, of seeing the world through eyes of Love, through eyes of deep perception, through eyes of Truth. For this is the transformation of your souls, beloveds, manifesting in your conscious life.

How you walk in this world must change as Truth grows within you, as you shed those old conditions, those vestiges of the human condition and you embrace the reality of the soul and to accept how that your Heavenly Father is the centre of this reality and how God lends the power of His Love and His Being, His Presence, as it flows into your consciousness, in your life more clearly. This power of Love, this power of this reality, of God’s reality, infuses and envelops all that you are and everything that is within you and your life. So, these deep shifts, this reality of Love, comes into your consciousness, changes your thinking, changes your perceptions, changes what is important to you as old values fall away, old perceptions are transformed into new ways of seeing and thinking and doing.

So, it will go in your lives in this world as long as you are willing to allow this, as long as you are willing to allow Love to transform everything. Though at times you may feel sadness, even grief over those old ways within you, those old things, ideas of who you are and you weep at times, yet this is a time of renewal, of new life, of releasing those old and tired ways, perceptions, understandings. God envelops you in Love. We envelop you in Love and we encourage this release of the old and the embrace of the new. This is not easy in your world for it entails the rejection of error and illusion, embracing truth and reality, a reality that so many do not see or understand and thus you feel somewhat separate from many around you. You do not wish to engage in this old and tired way of being in the world. Your souls know that there is something different waiting. As you transition to this new place, there are often times when you feel anxious, that you do not fit in the world. But my beloveds, God is compelling you to create a new reality, a true reality and this you must do with a sense of bravery, of recognition, of knowing from deep within your heart that where you are going is where you must go. You will lead others to this new way of being, a way that will in time change the world, heal the world, for the old ways of mankind have had their day.

God is compelling all of you, all of your brothers and sisters in this world, to change, to release this old human condition in favour of Love, of Truth, of living with light and integrity, honesty and love. So, you must release all those conditions that are not in harmony with Love and do so with a strength and a grounded-ness that allows you to apply these new ways to your life, to make them real, to be strong enough, to have enough faith, to acknowledge the Light and Love within you to such a great degree that living in this way, within this Truth of Love, becomes second nature, that it is not different but it is the way that is truly a part of you and a part of God’s Will.

Yes, you come to this my beloveds, to this place where you must walk over this bridge, over the chasm of your own fears and reticence to a place of true commitment and understanding and awakening. Though that chasm many feel deep and treacherous, it is not, it is merely another step upon the road of awakening and soul growth. God and the angels are with you each step of the way. There is no possibility of you falling, or being alone, or lacking true understanding, or that your life may be rent asunder by the changes being wrought within your soul.

No, my beloveds, you will come to know your true selves and bring your life into true harmony. Your capacity to love, to live in your life in harmony, will be realized in this, this flow, this journey towards God. We in spirit joyfully gaze upon you beautiful souls who have come thus far, who are strong, who have beautiful Lights, who know, truly know, God’s Love and are on the verge of this awakening. Each flower in bud has come to that place of opening and showing its true and glorious beauty. You will be carried, beloved souls, nourished, protected, shown the way, as always. But soon, you will see more of your footfalls. Things will no longer be a mystery and you will have a sense of purposeful journey and service for your Heavenly Father and for all of humanity. Yes, a momentous shift and step towards Truth is coming for each one of you as you continue to pray for the Father’s Love, to awaken your soul and open your eyes and bring Truth to your understanding.

God bless you, beloved souls, intrepid travellers upon the Path of Love and Truth. We are with you, always. God’s Hand is upon you, always. You shall continue to travel forward into the Light and you shall remain intact. You will be strengthened, you will know peace and joy. You will embrace Truth. You will know, you will know from your soul and this will be a great joy to you and a comfort as you awaken from your slumbers. God bless you, beloveds. I am Andrew and I accompany you on your journeys and shall do so for all eternity for I am your true brother and friend and I love you. God bless you, beloveds, God bless you.