Messages 2017

The 19th Mile

November 24th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C. Canada.

Received by Al Fike


God bless you my beloveds. I’m Keea-Atta-Kem. Yes I have been listening to your discussion about energy and our beloved Lotus Blossom expressed the concepts very well in this message. In many ways this is what we are dealing with in your group and circle for direct voice. Color and energy beloved souls, color and energy, one reflects the other. And as was spoken, there are myriad of energies within each human body and spirit and soul. All interacting with one another with such complexity and subtleties, and it is in these interactions, these manifestations of energies within you that we must work amongst to bring harmony to these energies. To bring a vibration in these energies that would harmonize and vibrate in synchronicity. This is most difficult my beloveds, that the wavelengths of energy, the wavelengths of color meld together creating one harmonious wave amongst you. In this way the energy, the vibration, the wavelength is increased. The amplitude of the waves are shortened and there comes manifestation through this harmonization of the energies amongst you. This is a very complex matter indeed my friends, for each of you there are so many aspects, energetic systems within you that are individual in nature, in terms of their vibrations, amplitudes and colors. In many ways it is like a ball of knotted string that must be teased apart and put together in a way where all comes together without obstructing and causing disharmony.

So you see it is important that we work in this darkened room, so that we may see clearly all the aspects, the elements that are within each of you. Then to meld these things together not only with your chemistry but your physical energies and the energies of your soul. It is often difficult to align just one individual in this way, but to align several together is complex and difficult. And what makes this seemingly impossible task possible; it is the power of your souls Light, the Love within your soul, the joy within in your soul, the desire within your soul. For these energies are powerful indeed, they have their effect spilling out to all parts of your being and to each other. As you raise your level of Light, then there is a reflex of harmony that develops amongst you for this is a law. The higher the level of soul attainment and purification, soul Love, the more harmony there is, not only within yourselves but within your connections with others and with God.

And so you see that these times you spend together have within them a very complex work and effort to bring about the manifestations which you have elected to be part of. If you could see all the aspects, layers and energies which we must deal with and help to harmonize, it would be confusing and far too complex to understand with your mind. It would be so much in terms of your awareness of what is happening on every level of your beings that you would find it far too challenging to keep up with each aspect of your prayers together in the dark room. I know that some of you have no understanding of this experience and feel very little at times and at other times your experiences are many. Often this is indicative of the fact that we are paying special attention, if you will, upon you in order to help you come into greater harmony with the overall program that we are engaged with and this is dependent upon your receptivity at the given moment. Each of you can and will see things within this group, within the darkened room. You have this potential but you must put aside the power of your minds’ will, which seems to overshadow the perceptions of your soul. It is a way of opening to the soul perceptions that allow these things to come to your consciousness. Each of you will do this in your time in your own way in accordance to your gifts, what is possible within you and the power of the Love within your souls.

And yet each of you feel something and each of you knows that something is indeed happening in your circle. The swirling energies, the flickering lights, the coolness and the heat, the manifestations within your bodies’ sensations. All of these are indicators of the work that is being done amongst you. And I would suggest that you not be too obsessed or focused upon these things. Let these experiences drift in and out and let whatever happens happen in harmony with you and what you are receptive to in any particular day. You are merely responding to energies and conditions that you are not used to, that are not common in your experience, even in prayer and so there will be unusual manifestations and sensations. You will adjust; all will come into harmony beloved souls.

Indeed you are at the 19th mile as you call it and poised at a place of dramatic adjustment and unfolding in this venture. You are poised, my friends, poised at the ready and you are close, you are close to bringing these manifestations forth. But we will not bring them forward until you are ready, until you have come to a place where you may sustain these conditions. You may be at that place far above this earth plane and are able to hold on to that Light, to make it your own, to make it truly a part of yourselves. For this Light is given with such Love and generosity from God, a gift indeed. A gift that comes in prayer for many are praying for you my beloveds, many are praying for you. And the work that is put forth by those of us in spirit brings beautiful energies and Light, blessings that abound in your little circle because you are willing to step forward in this way, to take that chance, to allow this to be within your circle. You have put aside your lives for this, at this moment you have dedicated yourselves to this project. You have prayed to God asking that this manifestation may materialize amongst you, that you may be successful in your efforts and come close to all that is in harmony with His Will, His Laws, that you may be used as His channels of Truth and Love in the world. All of these aspirations, beloved souls, contribute to the energies that are possible within your circle. Your openness, your Love, your desire to be used in this way, an instrument of Light; this is your contribution to the harmonizing of these energies, this Light amongst you. The higher you can go in your prayers, in your soulful condition, in the clarity of your Light, the clarity of all the energies within your bodies, then you will have done your part. You will have done everything that you can do to bring the success of this venture. It is not for you to be concerned of the other complexities, for this is our part and work. Because of our vision, our understanding the Light within our souls, we can work with these conditions and energies to bring about the manifestations, which we all seek. And so in this collaboration you are to work diligently to bring the vibration of your physical body to a place of harmony. To bring the Light within you spirit body to a place of Light, pure Light, unclouded by the human condition as best that you can beloved souls. You to bring your souls to a place that is open, open wide to the blessings of God. Meditate on these things, beloved souls, as you enter into this final lap towards your goal. Though you may be tired, as you have put a great deal of energy and effort into what we have done together, but God will give you what you require in order to complete these final laps. It is a matter of faith, it is a matter of truly coming to know the desires of your soul, for there is a great excitement within you, an enthusiasm, a joy as your Light increases, as you come closer to a gift so beautiful and rare, so exciting and powerful. That this gift may be expressed in the highest Love, the Love Divine. All that is manifest through this channel, this gift to the world will be of the highest, will be in accordance to God’s plan and desire and Will for it.

If we cannot come to that place where this is possible, then we will not manifest this gift, this is not what is meant to be. My beloveds, it does require a little more effort, more prayers, more conscious decisions with your diet and your thoughts. This is not easy in your earth plane and yet you have all the support and Love, you are surrounded in Light by angels and much is given to you beloved souls. But we cannot do it all; it requires your effort as well. To reach deep within your souls and continue to forge that wondrous bond with God, where His Love flows freely within you, His Light all about you, His Grace in everything that you do. For this gift to manifest, you must manifest Light and be in harmony with the laws of God, the laws of His Love.

You are challenged beloved souls and yet you seem to rise to the challenge, you have the strength; you have the Light within you. All that stands in your way are those small messages of your old ways and thoughts bringing shadows of fear and doubts, confusion and judgment. This human part of yourself that has faded greatly, like a shroud of dark energy that has slowly been eroded by Love, as holes begin to appear this shroud is in tatters, piece by piece drifting away as God’s Breath blows upon you. His Love and Light bringing to you peace and joy and all those old worries and cares, all those old dark places turn into Light, turn into joy, turn into Truth, turn into Love.

You have made great progress in these weeks and you will continue, you will continue beloved souls. Inching your way up into greater Light and allowing that which is not of Light to fall away. You are blessed, you are so blessed my beloveds, continue to yearn for God’s Touch, continue to allow this Light to have this affect upon you. And all that weighs you down must fall away, it must, it does fall at this very moment as you continue to pray.

God bless you my beloveds, the Light around you is beautiful. The energies that you carry within your being are magnificent in their complexities and beauty. We will utilize all your gifts beloved souls, so that you may carry this Truth in the world and do so with clarity and strength, humility and grace. God bless you my friends. I’m Keea-Atta Kem and I continue to work with you as you grow in the Love, as you continue to blossom in Light. God bless you. God bless you.