Messages 2017

The Door Is Open

December 6th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


God bless you, I am Seretta Kem. And so you have come to another crossroads. Each day is indeed a crossroad, a place of choice, a place different from the last, a place closer to your goal. Today you had a serious discussion amongst yourselves and this instrument gave some of his impressions, as did others. You have all come to realize that indeed this time together that is left is an important time. A time of extreme effort and extreme focus and not necessarily focus from your minds but your souls. To again lift your Light and the longings of your soul to God in prayer, not so much seeking that gentle assurance from God that you are loved, for surely you are my beloveds and you acknowledge this. Each one of you knows this, but it is in your souls awakening and opening to the power and blessings that come from on high enveloping you all. The integration of each one, with each soul touching the other, each soul touching one another in this condition of Love, of unity and strength. Indeed beloved daughter, you have entered through the door. Your efforts have brought what it is that your soul desires, which is a conscious recognition of your soul. And in this comes great strength and great power. It comes as a sense and knowledge of the choices that are to be made with each breath, each thought, each prayer and each day.

My beloved souls, you have come to the threshold and you too must enter to that place of more acute knowing, a heightened awareness and greater Love. We do not ask of you perfection my beloveds. We do not ask that everything within you will be harmonized and free of the vestiges of the human condition. This is an unrealistic goal, but we ask that when you come into the darkened room that with these heighten sensitivities and knowing’s of the soul, you more readily ascend into these conditions of Light and do so together. Be unified together in this condition of Love and Light. If you enter the darkened room and you do not feel the conditions therein and you do not feel that you are a part of or bonded or linked with the others, please continue to pray to release those conditions that hold you back. This does not mean that God will wipe away all resistance and obstructions within you, but God will help you to align yourself with those conditions that are desirable. This is done with the sincere soulful prayer that this daughter has shown you, like the efforts that she has made in earnestness which was not easy. It did not come with a simple prayer, it came with a struggling within her soul and her mind coming to that place of harmony. And thus it will be for each one of you to some degree or another. This is not easy my beloveds to come to that place where the mind gives over to the soul in such a way for there to be harmony. For the minds of mortals are a powerful thing. You’ve spent all your lives training your minds, absorbing information, seeing the world from a certain perspective, with this perspective being reinforced day in and day out, over and over again. But as we have mentioned it is like being in a cage, a mindful condition that restricts the perception of Truth and of God. It restricts the expression of Love. It restricts your own ability to Love yourselves for it is the capacity of the soul to truly know and express Love. This is within each one of you, this capacity, this gift of powerful Love, of pure Love, of beautiful Love and when this condition of Love, this power of Love within you is aligned beautifully with your minds and all other aspects of your being, then such gifts as direct voice come readily.

So this is the key my beloveds, this is the signpost that you look for at these crossroads. To allow your souls to guide you and direct the way and allow God to do so through your souls. Your minds at this stage of your development towards these gifts is more of a hindrance than a help. The success of this effort does not hinge on what you know, it hinges upon that which you feel within your souls and is expressed within your souls and that this expression may find freedom. Open this acceptance within you and amongst you.

Yes you have unlocked the door my beloveds and it is a door that few of you have walked within in a conscious way and so you may feel a little tentative. There is also a curiosity and desire to forge ahead. But the more you analyze this, beloveds, to anticipate, the further away you get from stepping forward in the flow of Love and trust and faith. Let go of those thoughts of anticipation and analysis and expectation. Release yourself into the embrace of God who will carry you through this threshold and bring you to that place of soul awakening. Your minds will then see and understand. All will merge together in a powerful relationship between these two aspects of yourselves that is in balance and harmony refuting this old idea that the mind must have dominance for life to be successful in terms of those concepts forged within that mind. This is not necessary beloved souls, it is old thinking, old ways of being, borne from the human condition, borne from fear of failure, fear of being alone, fear of being unloved.

This is where your faith brings you into that true knowing that you are loved by God and that true Love comes from the awakened soul acknowledging the source of Love, acknowledging all the sources of Love from your angel friends, from your friends here on earth, from many sources. With this awakened sensitivity and knowing, you will see all these sources of Love. You will acknowledge the wonderment that is your life and you will step forward lovingly embracing all you meet, all in your life, all the opportunities that God will place before you. We cannot tell you what exactly you must do to come to that place, for each child will find their way in their own way. It is a yearning from the soul, that yearning is not a light and cheerful thought, it is more often an intense pain and longing from a place that seems dark but is not. It is a place that yearns to be awakened and recognized, a place what is true to that deep awareness within you. So much can happen with the awakenings of your souls and each of you stand upon the verge of this. I urge you, my beloveds, to speak of this, to speak of your fears and speak of your struggles and speak of your joys and triumphs, to share what it is that lies within your soul. Yes, there is a sort of vulnerability, a tentative longing for acceptance, for another to understand your own pain and struggles. And yet with this sharing of oneself comes the loving acknowledgement and recognition from your brothers and sisters that they too share this struggle, this deep desire to long for Love.

So as you walk along this road, look carefully at the signs, for God has put within you what you require to find your way upon the right road. He guides you with each moment. He beckons you forth upon the road of Light and Love. Do not let your minds, your material minds, determine your path my beloveds. Allow your minds to observe the knowing’s of your souls and to acknowledge this deeper wisdom that is within each one of you. Pray for this awakening, beloved souls. Long for this with every shred of your being, every ounce of your longing and desire and God will answer your earnest prayers. He will peel the scales from your eyes. He will allow that great shout of longing from your hearts to come forth. Though this may be a shout of pain or confusion it is a true expression of your souls and one that will reach God. And yet it may be none of these things for some. It is but a little whisper from your soul that continues to guide you forth. It is not always dramatic but it can be.

These things are unique to each individual, but what is important is to truly acknowledge that desire within you. To harmonize all those aspects of your being, to intergrate all of these parts of yourself into one wholeness, one Light, an expression that will bring many gifts forward, many potentials to realization and in alignment with God, something that you will know as well. You will know it my beloveds and you will act upon it with humility and faith, and confidence, with a surety and clarity. This is what you desire beloved souls, above all else. Do not continue to live in this life with your beings fractured but to bring all of this together in harmony so that you may be an example to your brothers and sisters, a channel of Love, a channel of Truth, an expression that when gazed upon, is known and felt by others, because there will be something about you that is not only different but very attractive indeed for you will truly be God’s child. As you consciously walk in this world knowing God is by your side and expressing your Love for all, this gift of direct voice amongst many other gifts that will flow from you, will assist you in reaching the souls of mankind and turning you into an effective instrument in God’s plan for their salvation.

Yes my beloveds, you begin to awaken, embrace this with every ounce of your being. Long for this from every longing part of your being. Know this from every aspect of your being. Seek that it may integrate and formulate into this beautiful creature that longs to emerge from you my beloveds. It is waiting for your choice and desire to come fully alive in the Light and in the Love. May you find your way my beloved souls. You have been guided along, uplifted, carried, cajoled, encouraged and guided again. God has done everything possible to bring you to that place. It is your choice. The door swings open. You have turned the key to unlock it by praying for the Father’s Love. Now you must step forward and you know that you must step forward with a conscious and clear decision to do so.

Blessings to you my beloved friends, we eagerly await. We eagerly continue in our efforts to assist you in the true birthing of your souls. God bless you my beloveds. I am Seretta Kem and I Love you dearly. God bless you. God bless you.