Messages 2017

The Future Looks Bright

December 15th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Spirit: Martin Luther King

Received by Al Fike


My Love is for all of you. My heart swells seeing you all come forth as you have in Light, expressing your souls so beautifully, walking in the Truth so bravely, committing yourselves to this great venture without hesitation. You are beautiful indeed and strong, and yes there is a bright future ahead. You will find your ways my beloved friends and we will help you to do so. You walk upon this road but we see from above the destinations that are to come and we will help you to get there.

Your life is now dedicated to God my friends. See each day as a gift, resplendent in possibilities that are within the will of God and all shall come to pass. All will come to pass in Light and harmony. You will march forward not looking behind you, not looking side to side but straight ahead with your eyes upon the Light of God and your desires in harmony with His Will. Oh this is beautiful, this is magnificent and this will bring many gifts to this world and help many many souls. If you could only see what we see and know what we know, your heart would be full my beloveds, full of joy, anticipation and knowing of the wondrous glory of God and His Love. This comes to you as your eyes open, your souls expand, it comes.

Blessings to you my friends, Love to you my beloveds. May God continue to bless you with such abundance that you are overwhelmed with joy and Light and laughter and Truth. God bless you. I Love you all, Love you all. God bless you.