Messages 2017

The Gifts of Knowing the Truth of God’s Love

September 25th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


The gift of the Father’s Love is in great abundance to your midst through your prayers and your longings bringing this Love amongst yourselves, and sharing this desire to receive this gift within your souls. You must see, beloved souls, how precious is this time to be together in Love, to pray together, to share your heartfelt desires in loving communion with God. For it is in this sincere and earnest desire comes many blessings, the blessing of the Father’s Essence, the blessing of His healing, the blessing of the peace that passes all understanding and the blessing of Light. You draw amongst you the angels of the Celestial Kingdom.

There are few that receive these gifts in this world for many do not know or understand the simple efforts and the prayer to receive this with clarity. To do so consistently in this world brings a precious Light amongst you. There are many souls in this world who indeed receive some blessings of the Father’s Love within their souls because they have an earnest longing at times. Yet they do not understand how this may be obtained consistently and powerfully through prayer and through longing. So yes, there have been many souls who have been touched by this Love but very few can receive this touch consistently and powerfully enough to bring great changes in them, such as the healing of the soul and the awakening of the soul.

Yet you have all come together with a deep desire to know this Truth and to live this Truth in your lives. As such you become a channel of Love in this world. You bring this simple Truth to others. You bring many blessings to others because you have the Touch of God within you and God has responded accordingly as He sends His Holy Spirit to come and infill your soul with His Love so you begin a journey that is infinite with no limitations and no requirements other than a sincere desire, an uttered prayer that may be wordless, a longing of the soul expressed powerfully to God. So He sends His blessings forth for you my beloved souls, to drink deep of these living waters to bring into yourselves this great blessing that will uplift and will heal, that will bring you beyond the understandings of the mortal man to a place of deep and profound wisdom and awareness and Love.

Such are the blessings of those who walk the path Divine and seek the Love of God - so simple, so beautiful, so powerful and yet so elusive to many. But you have come to know this Truth, beloved souls, and it shall continue to sustain you and uplift you and bring the Truth and awareness that you so desire. May you continue to be uplifted in this Light and receive the Truths that the Heavenly Father wishes to give to each of His children in Love and joy. So you are blessed. God has a deep desire to bless His children that they may rise above the conditions of this world to a place of harmony where their souls are strengthened by Love and wisdom comes from the soul awakened by God. 

Join together in this holy communion, in this profound experience of the Touch of God and you will be mightily blessed in accordance to your efforts and desires, your longings and your prayers. All will come with this gift and none will be forsaken for God gives to all His children whom He loves dearly. There is no judgement in Love. There is no reproach or withholding, only Love and acceptance and peace and joy. Such are the gifts from God to His children.

May you be mightily blessed, beloved souls, and find your way with each day to a closer communion with the Creator and a more profound understanding of your own wonderments and the wonderment of creation. God bless you. I am your teacher Augustine. I love you dearly, blessed souls. Blessed souls in this world, continue to pray and long and be in the flow of His Love. I shall continue to be with you as you journey forth. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds.