Messages 2017

The Journey of Awakening

December 11th, 2017

Gibsons, B. C.

Received by Al Fike.


I am your teacher Augustine. May the Father’s Love continue to flood your souls and bring you into at-onement. Yes I had a hand in bringing error to this world. I did so earnestly believing that I would bring order and common sense and Truth to humanity. It was a time of opening a new religion in the world. Many souls eagerly sought our advice and counsel. And so I was swept away by this great river of desire and eagerness to establish “the Lord Jesus’ word” in this world. You’ve heard the phrase: “the road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

Although I did not land up in the hells as a result of my efforts, I was very surprised when I passed over to not be at the right hand of God, as I had to unlearn many, many things in order to shift my perceptions towards Truth and learn how to truly be at one with God. God the Creator, not the Lord Jesus’ God which was an error. And so you will encounter many, many souls in this world who carry error in their minds and yet their souls earnestly seek to be with God. And thus you must be tolerant and accepting of the flawed conditions of this world. No, nothing is in order and precisely of Truth in this world, nothing. So you must understand that even you, with all that you have received, you do not know the Truth entirely, nor do you walk the Truth completely. You are still human. You continue to harbor some of the human conditions within you, although each day you continue to reach closer to God, to greater harmony and Truth as His Love has its affect within you.

His Blessings continue to awaken you and know my beloveds that you are much closer to Truth than to error. You cannot enter this world of yours thinking that you have all that you need to teach Truth, for Truth comes incrementally and the understanding of Truth is reflected by the power of the Love within your souls. So you must teach with humility and tolerance and grace. Allowing those who in some way are in error to have the comfort of their thoughts and ideas. It is the Love that will change this in time and it is the message of Love that you must bring. You will bring this to many diverse peoples, cultures, ideas, religions and societies. It seems an almost impossible task to bring pure Truth to this world, to navigate through the complexities of this world, beloved souls. It is difficult indeed and yet you have elected and you have a deep desire to bring this Truth to all your brothers and sisters who are a part of this great diversity of life.

And so you will beloved souls, so you will. You will do so because you use the language of Love to dispel the influence of error. You will find that many peoples will not be drawn to you because of the words that you speak using the language of Love that you use and express as you move in this world. It is for God to bring Truth to humanity. It is His plan to dispel the darkness and the error and for you my beloveds, you will move within this plan. You will express the Truth that you have and you must do so in simple terms all enshrouded in Love and not with deep expectations that others will believe your words, but rather that their souls will be touched by God through you, by your very presence and your example. Although you must speak the words of Truth and you must confront error to some degree, for you cannot stand mute and look upon those who look to you with a Loving gaze, but no words at all. This is not effective in this world, and yet the power of the Love within you and the Love that flows through you, multiplies the power of the words that you use. It is the power of that Love that penetrates the soul and ignites the imagination of those you speak to. In many cases you will be speaking to those who have a different language, so it must be Love, it must be that connection, soul to soul that will reach humanity.

Yes, these are great challenges and hurdles to overcome when bringing these Truths to humanity and yet you will have the gift of direct voice, the power of Love, the blessing of God, the presence of the angels and the flow of God’s plan within your life. All these factors will come together into a great harmonious and powerful flow of service. Thus as agents of change in this world seeking to help to awaken humanity, they may understand in the simplest of terms what is important and what needs to be done. For change needs to happen in this world and souls need to be stirred, with responses bringing action towards Light and efforts towards Truth. Many of us in the Celestial Kingdom have watched the slow pace of humanity progressing in some ways and falling back in others. The momentum of the actions of humanity creeps forward slowly, and a time comes when the momentum will speed towards great change. Not because humanity has chosen as such, but because God has brought these great blessings to spur on greater Light in this world, with greater Truth. So you ride this wave of Light, bringing deeper Truth and all that you require to do so will be given. You just now begin to awaken and to accept this gift of the opportunity to bring greater Light to humanity. It is all fresh and new, your perceptions not yet honed and clear, but you will come to that place where wisdom will overcome the reactions of your material minds and where your soul will inform your actions and Love will overshadow all in Light.

Be humble my friends, accept that there are many more steps yet to come before you are ready to carry this torch of Truth into the world. Yet God has blessed you mightily and has sped up this pace of growth within your soul. This will not take years my beloveds, no, but it will take some time, some effort and some application of what you have learned together, so that you may enter this journey, this path that God has intended for you to serve Him and serve your brothers and sisters. Be patient, yet continue to earnestly long for the opportunities to serve and to bring this Truth to mankind. And God will open those ways to help you to cross those bridges, through those doors, along those paths that will bring you into that beautiful harmony with God and within your souls. It is coming, you continue to awaken, sometimes startled by your insights, sometimes excited, inspired and joyful. This shall continue. The momentum is building within each one of you and as you come together, you grow, you grow so swiftly and beautifully.

May God continue to guide you forward to bring those gifts that you so long for and to bring the awakenings that you so need in order to serve mankind. As our beloved Master has said, God lays so many gifts and blessings at your feet. You are richly blessed beloved souls. Gather your riches, take them to your bosom, be grateful for what God has given. Be joyful for how bountiful your beloved Heavenly Father is to His children. His gifts are endless and His Love, His Love for you is infinite. You are His children and you must speak of this to your brothers and sisters, awaken them to this fact that they are His children, that they may awaken to what God has to give to each child, His Blessings flowing forth to His Creations. For a world awaken in this way, where all His children know of His Love and feel Love for themselves, for each other, indeed such a different place would be this world, so different, so beautiful.

And so you continue my beloveds souls upon this journey together and you long for the gift of direct voice and you long for the gift of the Father’s Love. You long to know the Truth, to know yourselves, to be enlightened within your souls and you are well upon that journey beloved souls. Remember to have humility, to seek all that you require from God. To walk this journey knowing that every good and beautiful gift, every wondrous experience, every drop of Love, every touch of healing and grace and peace and joy comes as a gift from God. So you will journey upon this path of service through the many blessings given, the guidance, the protection and Love. The wisdom and strength, that God shall give you beloveds, so it shall be. You are His children and you awaken to this Truth. May you continue to profit by your knowledge and the blessings given, and may you continue to be a channel of His Love in the world. It is all a gift, a gift to you.

God bless you my beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine and I Love you. God bless you. God bless you.