Messages 2017
Today is the day you are serving God
September 19th, 2017
Gibsons, B. C.
Received by A.F.
God bless you, beloved souls. I am Samuel. I have come to encourage you in your efforts to be clear channels of the Father’s Love, to place your relationship with God above all else. When you are with God, do not allow anything of the material nature and of your mind to disturb and interfere with this connection with your Heavenly Father. This is most important at this time, to pray intensely, to ask earnestly for the Father’s Love to flow into your souls, to be in that condition of purity and Light and peace and Love.
For God is pouring great blessings upon each one of you, my beloveds. He blesses you mightily and ignites your soul that it may awaken, that all the faculties and potentials of your soul may come to life through the power of His Love. I would suggest that you continue to read these Truths as presented by many different mediums and by the inspiration that you receive in your prayers, for there will come a time when you will be called upon to recite these Truths in clarity and simplicity, that you will be tested by others. You will be questioned and questioned, not in the way that people disbelieve you but in the way that they hunger for these Truths. For when the manifestations come forth that are planned, many will be curious, many will seek to know how you received these Truths and what your experience is in your soul awakening.
So it is important for you at this time to review what it is that you know as your Truth, not that you recite the truth of others, but what is it that you truly believe, what is it that is important to you, and what Truths have you garnered through your experiences in life and your experiences in searching for Truth, to bring this together in something that is clear, beautiful and authentic. For it is this surety, this expression of Love and knowledge that will draw many souls, for it is the way of mankind to ascribe these gifts of Truth to an individual rather than to ascribe it to God. Often the beginning for each searching soul is to seek the Truth through another, to be assured that one individual or another is strong in their Truth, their understanding. For what more can you give, beloved souls, than to give your Truth in a clear and loving way, not in insistence, not in judgment that your Truth is higher or better than another’s, but in that simple recitation of your understanding with humility and grace, Love and kindness.
As you do this, God will do much more in terms of blessing that individual who receives. As you give these little gems of awareness and understanding, God is pouring His Light upon you and whoever it is that is with you. This ignites the soul and inspires the soul to open, to seek, to trust. For they feel a sense of comfort and Love from God’s channels of Love.
One contact with a seeking soul that brings a Light, that opens a door, is greater than an entire religion that attempts to force upon another a belief that uses tactics of fear rather than Love. So you are bringing a sort of religion forward, a religion that says that any soul who has a connection with God can teach another soul, can bring their Truth forward, can help and support their fellow man. In this way, is there any need for structured religion? I would say not. If a good portion of humanity seeks God in this simple way, then that Light, that condition of Love will encompass the world. Is this not our goal, my beloveds, to bring the simple Truth of Love forward that all may partake of these living waters that we may come together to refresh our souls, that we may walk the world as a channel of Love? This capability and gift of being a channel of Love is not restricted to any one particular individual. No, it is a gift to each soul who truly is nurtured by God’s Love. There are many souls in this world who have been nurtured by God’s Love who are attempting to bring Love forward in their lives, in their particular place. So you all work together in some loose way to bring greater Light to this world. You are beginning to recognize and realize that it does not require a mind set on a particular understanding or belief for a soul to be a channel of Love, and that you are beginning to accept and to be open to those of different faiths, different understandings. Why is this? Because you are secure with God in His Love. You do not seek the Truth from another. You seek the Truth from God. This is what every soul is encouraged to do. Though the mind may distort this Truth, be confused, and is not capable of totally understanding the experience of this connection with God in terms of its complexity and beauty, yet the soul recognizes and flourishes in this flow of Love.
What else is more important than this, the understanding of the experience in words? This can be helpful, this can encourage another and inspire another but it is not necessary. The words change. The perspective shifts. The awareness is unique for each individual. Yes, we encourage you to share your experiences and your Truth. We do not suggest that anyone of you is superior in their understanding of these Truths. No, you all equally move together and you accept and love each other for your unique perspective of being this wondrous creation of God which is the individual soul. So as your eyes open to the beauty of each soul in this world, your love expands, you accept and come close to many, many different souls. So it will go, and as you continue to forge your way in this world you will make contact with many. You will speak in terms of Love. You will desire to be a channel of Love for that individual and you do so already. This will only grow as your soul expands in Love.
So there are those who seek to know the Plan, God’s Plan for the salvation of mankind. God’s Plan for the salvation of mankind resides within each one of you as a channel of His Love as you continue to make connection and Light with those of whom you are with. Is this not God’s plan? Is this not the expression of God’s Will in the world, that Love may pour forth to every and all souls in this world? As you continue to devote your day, each day, to serve God, are you not expressing yourself within the Plan that God has for the salvation of mankind? This day is a new day in that expression. Each prayer is a confirmation of the Truth and a devotion to God’s Plan. As you flourish in Love, as you reach out in Love, as you reach God in Love, as all flows in Love, then so, there is greater Light in this world because you have come to your Heavenly Father and asked that He may bless you and bring greater Love to you and thus greater Light around you. So it will go in this simple way.
Yes, there will be many experiences and expressions of God’s Will in your life and though your mind wishes to know the details, to savour this knowledge, I say to you, today is the day you are serving God and today is the day that God’s Plan will be executed in your life. It is that simple. It does not require complex plans and understanding. It merely requires your acceptance of the Will of God and your desire to receive His Love in greater abundance with each day. All else will fall into place. It continues to do so. Do you not see this? How God plans your life in many different ways, opportunities abound, much manifests because God’s Hand is upon you and much more is to come. Yet today is the day, today brings the possibilities of God’s desire for you to serve, to be a channel of His Love.
God bless you beloved souls. I am Samuel. I am glad to speak to you. I hope I have encouraged you upon your journey to see that you are Light and that you do follow God’s Will and Plan with your daily experiences, the choices that you make, the Love that you give and the Love that you receive. As you do so you begin to cultivate within yourself a deep love for your brothers and sisters. This is God’s Plan. This is His gift to you, to shift your thoughts, your desires, your motivations and the human condition, to a graceful flow of God’s Will and Light.
You are blessed, beloved souls. God bless you. I am Samuel. I love you too. God bless you.