Messages 2017

Water Carriers of Love

November 11th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you I am Mary. I have come to add my love, to be with you precious souls, who are making every effort to bring greater light to this world and to bring the Truth of God’s Love to humanity. May you carry this Truth far and wide to your world, so parched and thirsting so for the Love of God. May you be the water carriers to the world. Showing them how to drink of God’s great bounty and blessings, His Love, those living waters that pour forth endlessly.

You must encourage the lost souls to drink, to quench the thirst, for they are in pain, they are lost, they do not know of what they are bereft. It is time for the awakening of mankind, to bring the Truth forth, to challenge those who insist upon error by being the Light, by demonstrating the Truth, by allowing your gifts to be expressed in the world in such a way that you will provoke awakenings and invite many to examine their lives and to change within themselves, to come to know true Love and express this gift within and without.

The world awaits those willing to carry the living waters. The world awaits for it is thirsty, it is craving the Love of God. It is for you, as channels of God and of His Truth, to be inspired to assist in the awakening of the souls. God will touch many through you and much will happen as you allow God to be more closely within your lives, as you truly are aligned with the Divine Will of His Love.

May you walk forward beloved souls. Indeed, may you come to that place of awakening, in truly knowing what God intends for you. It shall come. For the waters already pour within you, awakening much within. It will come. Your eyes will open, your soul will truly come to the fore in your awareness and you will know God as never before.

Continue to pray for His Gift of Love. May His Touch make profound changes within every part of your being and bring to you the awareness of Truth, the strength that comes with Love, the compassion that awakens with the understanding and may this all flow forth to your brothers and sisters. They await your efforts, your beautiful souls demonstrating to them that Love is truly the answer to all the dilemmas of this world.

Go forth and sow the seeds of Truth and sing the praises of God, and glow in love with your beautiful souls. I am with you. I am Mary and I continue to walk with you as do many. You continue to bring the Truth of God to all of humanity. God bless you and I love you. God bless you.