Messages 2017

Welcome Back to the Chamber

November 13th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, beloved souls, it is Seretta Kem. We welcome you back to the chamber and yes, we are continuing with our efforts to develop the direct voice through ectoplasm and this requires our concentration and efforts. It requires your efforts to lift your condition ever further, ever closer to the Light. So much depends upon your efforts beloved souls. All depends upon your efforts each day to maintain the light around you, to maintain harmony amongst you, to put forth your desires to God, to bring His Love ever more abundantly into your souls and to be at peace beloved souls, to be at peace. We will continue to uplift you, to guide you, to help you to be clearer in your understanding of what it is that we do together in this noble venture. We will continue to speak to you, to add further information and to encourage you forward. May the Father’s Love continue to touch you deeply beloved souls and in this may your gifts rise to the surface so that God may use you in many ways to bring light to this world. May His Love continue to grow within you, may that touch of His Love ignite the great potentials that lie within.

You are encircled by angels, by such an intense light that burns away the darkness, the clouds of the human condition and continues to open the way for us to work with you and through you. You have built this light, beloved souls, and we have come to assist you in this, as you continue to raise your thoughts to a higher condition, to express your souls to God more intensely, to be in harmony amongst you and God continues to pour His blessings upon you beloveds. He continues to bring the light, to enshroud you with light, to help nourish the conditions necessary for the development of this gift.

Continue, beloved souls, in all your efforts and all that you do to contribute to this work. You are stepping towards a wonderful condition, a powerful light that will enable these gifts to manifest in this world. God bless you beloved souls, I am Seretta Kem and I love you dearly. I will continue to support you and to lead you further upon this path in these efforts. We continue beloveds, we continue. God bless you.