Messages 2017

Will You be the Change the World So Needs?

November 27th, 2017

West Vancouver, B. C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


The world needs souls to step forth and declare the availability of this gift of the Father’s Love, for the treasure trove of God is free for all who desire this gift. The greatest gift that can be given is available to each soul in this world. Yet your brothers and sisters walk in this world impoverished, with no knowledge whatsoever of what can be given to them to ignite the awakening of their souls and that this may bring them close to God. It will show them the way beyond their fears and pains, the error of their thinking and their lost ways in this world, seeking to be in the world of material and distracted each moment from their souls. Yet this world may provide great sustenance for the soul, great Truth and understanding and Light for each soul who desires this, who seeks this though so few wish to open their eyes, to come to a place of true awakening.

Beloved souls, you must set forth in Light, declare the power of Love, the beauty of Love, the glory of Love, the Love Divine. For this world continues to be in darkness and ignorance where so many are in a deep state of deprivation. Yet their souls hunger, hunger for God, but the minds of so many resist and shy away from this idea, this Truth that God may give to them so much of what they need. For humanity continues upon the course that they may live with their own sense of power and control of life. In this state of control and desire for material and need for power, they continue to reinforce the dark conditions of this world. This must change, my beloved students, this must change for the world can no longer sustain these darkened conditions. There must be change, there must be. 

Who will bring this change, beloved souls, who will bring change? Will it be you? Will you step forth and declare the Truth of the Light within your own soul and point to where this is available to each soul? It is a choice and a great opportunity to be God’s Channels of Love. This simple message is not the voice of religion or doctrine or dogma. It is the voice of Truth, simply said, simply exemplified within you. Walk in this world in this Light. Speak this Truth from your heart and soul. Allow God to inspire other souls through you. All that is required is a simple desire within you and if you do not know what to say, say this prayer; *“Father, put the words on my lips. Help me to speak the Truth in a way that my brother or sister may understand and be inspired” or “Father, show me a way that I may be of service to those who are lost and in darkness so that I may demonstrate the Love within in me in ways that bring Light and peace, that sustain Light and bring comfort to others”. * 

There are so many ways in which God may use each soul who aspires to bring Light to this world. Do not restrict the gifts within your soul, my beloveds, for you have many gifts, each one that may be expressed in a multitude of ways in this world. What it takes is a desire to do so and to be in communion with God, to forge that link, that bond with your Heavenly Father and allow that wondrous connection to bring forth many blessings through you and into you. It is simple, beloved souls, it is simple. For the most powerful Truth of all is that Love, Love, is what is needed for every life, every life in this world, every soul that has the gift to be incarnated in this world desires and craves the blessings and awareness of God and His Love. But it must be that each soul desires this and asks for this blessing. It is a free will choice choice to receive this gift. To receive all the blessings that God has to give to each soul, that soul must decide to be open and receptive to these blessings. Prayer, my beloveds, prayer is the link between you and God, prayer that is the expression of your soul’s desires, prayer that is a yearning, prayer that is a longing expression, your true desires, those deep places within you that longs for Love, that longs for God. May you discover the power of prayer that brings the gifts to your souls.

God bless you, my beloveds. I am your teacher Augustine. May you continue to discover all that God has to give, His many blessings. May you partake of this great feast for the soul. God bless you. God bless you.