Messages 2017
You are building your Light
November 16th, 2017
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
God bless you, it is Yogananda here. You are building your light, my friends, building a great light within you and all around you. This is the power of the love, the power of the truth that you carry. It shines all about you. It brings a beautiful aura of love and light to your countenance. Continue in these efforts to bring the deeper awareness to yourselves and a deeper truth to the world. You are needed. I continue to be with you and I continue to help you to greater realization of truth and love. Divine Love is the greatest truth in all the universe, the most powerful gift that God can give and it is free to all who desire this. You must tell your brothers and sisters of this beautiful gift and what it might bring to each life.
God bless you, my friends. Yogananda also walks with you in this world. Blessings to you. Blessings to you.