Messages 2017

You Know of this Love

November 16th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Diana Windsor. You have called me to come to speak to you and here I am sitting with you lovely people. I am no longer a princess, I am now a commoner as they call this in England, and this was always my wish to be a commoner amongst common people. And so I am, as I reside in the 3rd sphere and yes I have been told of your efforts and ventures and I too wish to come to speak to the world with direct voice, this is my desire as well.

When you give Love, when you speak from the heart, a response comes. And as you well know, the response that I received from the simple words that I spoke of in my travels in the world brought a great deal of response, a great deal of Love from others. So I will continue to speak with Love from my heart to those who are willing to listen and with this beautiful gift that you wish to develop, there will indeed come a response from many. You may count me in, as you say, in your efforts to bring more Light to humanity, more Love, more Truth. I did not know of God’s Divine Love while I was in your world, but I do now and I am pursuing this Truth and it is bringing a great many benefits and changes to me, in my prayers, in my longings and efforts to know the Truth. I am very enthusiastic about your efforts, your desires to bring this Truth of God’s Love to humanity and I will say my piece to the world when the time comes.

I wish to encourage each and every one of you to bring this Truth forward to the world. What else will save the world my friends? What else, but Love, but a true caring from the heart, a true desire to comfort another, to bring Love. And you know of this Love, the Love from God. I see the Light that is here, it’s beautiful and I am happy to be one of your friends. I will do what I can to assist you in these efforts, to bring Truth to humanity and to bring a sense of humanity to mankind. Bless you my friends. I stand with you. I stand with you. May God pour His Love upon this world, it needs it so, it needs it so. God bless you. I am Diana. God bless you.