Messages 2017

You must be the rock of comfort in the coming times

June 6th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike.


I am Seretta Kem. I have come to give further guidance on Direct Voice and I have come to open the door to you, my daughter, Elizabeth to ask if you would be willing to step forward in this role as participant in this project of Direct Voice. I would ask these instruments to educate this daughter, if she is willing regarding this effort and practice and what is required at this time for preparation.

This gift will bring about many changes in your lives if it is accomplished and utilized as we envision it. It is a part of the plan that is laid out before you, my beloveds, but like any plan in this world it is subject to the influences and variables of this world and this is to say that not all is guaranteed but God’s Will will manifest regardless of the intransigence of this world. God’s Will will manifest through your lives into this world bringing about the transformation of the conditions of this world. For the conditions of this world are in such dire straits of darkness and chaos that I see this is difficult for you to perceive in this beautiful place where you exist. God has provided you with an oasis of beauty and light. Many of you have travelled and seen for your own selves the intensity of humanity upon this planet, how these conditions are rampant, often desperate and how the natural order of this planet is threatened by this imbalance. So there are and will be reactions and consequences brought about by the Laws of Creation that will disrupt and ameliorate those conditions brought about by humanity.

As this unfolds, this shifting and healing of this world, you will be called upon to bring forth information to the leaders of this world and to humanity itself that will be of assistance for the healing and reclamation of humanity in this world. Yes, the present conditions and structures will be rent asunder and many of the things that you rely upon, that have been built to sustain your lives in comfort, and the assurance of survival will not be present for a period of time. Yet you will survive and your needs will be met, my beloveds, and many will survive these conditions of change. For those who are a part of this new wave of life, in this new beginning with the building of a new culture of understanding and awareness, so the blossoming of spirituality in this world will be given what is required to start anew.

You are a part of this, my beloveds, you are a part of this. All of your experiences, all of these teachings, all of our messages, all of God’s Blessings, this great unfolding of light in your life are a preparation, beloved souls, for what is to come. We have tempered the steel in the fire, we have brought truths as high as you are able to understand, we have opened doors, we have prayed with you, and we have prayed for you, you have prayed for yourselves and for each other. You have prayed for this world, you have put effort forward and you are now upon the threshold of a new life, a life which surely will change if this gift is brought forth. A life that will bring many, many unforeseen blessings into your lives, many souls who seek, many who are filled with confusion and fear for what is about to take place in this world. You must be the rock, my beloveds, the rock of comfort, of truth, of love. You must point Heavenward and say: “God loves me and wishes to guide me. God is healing me and this entire planet to allow humanity a chance to correct its error, its wayward choices, and the darkness it has created for itself.”

You will not be alone, my beloveds, there will be many who will be called, who will work to these ends, who are attuned to God and will receive the inspiration and the guidance to help reclaim the world for God and light and truth, harmony. Indeed, this will not be an easy task for you. But each of you have elected even before you incarnated into this world to be an instrument in this way. You know this within your souls, you feel the calling, you feel like you are meant to do something important, you have a purpose, you have a soul that has been touched by God and given many gifts and has been nurtured by Love.

So the time comes for the unfolding of your true purpose and in this you will find a great fulfilment and joy, that the hardships that you may endure through these times of change may be as nothing compared to that knowledge and awareness that you are with God and God is providing for you and guiding you through these times. Your material needs will be met, the needs of your soul and spirit, all will be provided. Do not let your imaginations give you ideas as to what this will be like for you can only conjure up illusions from your mind and this is not helpful. What is helpful is acknowledging that deep within you lie a surety and a faith that will carry you through.

God is not cruel, my beloveds. God does not bring suffering to others or to you. It is humanity that brings suffering upon itself by not following the Laws of Creation, by not loving, by not maintaining a soulful connection with the Creator. This you must teach, beloved souls, how to reach out to God, how to be in that flow of His Love and Will. As you accumulate more of the great blessing of Divine Love, do not these truths become obvious and clear? Are you not a channel of Love in this world? You have chosen this life and you did so long ago and this now comes to fruition and you have now chosen to utilise your gifts to be an instrument for God in a special way that this Direct Voice might come to the world, that we in the Celestial Kingdom may speak to humanity, unencumbered by the limitations of a medium, that we may at times materialise to those who are skeptical, that we may bring information that will be immensely helpful in the reconstruction of the world. Much will be given if you are willing to allow us to use you, to communicate, to bring forth what is needed.

Your responsibility is to maintain a light about you and within you, to keep your thoughts at a high level, to be loving at all times, to put aside those conditions that may cause disruption within you, those old habits and patterns and to release those conditions within your soul which blur the clarity and light within. So, I urge you to continue in your preparation, your efforts and your discussions regarding this purposeful nature and to realize that you carry a great responsibility if you accept this role. This acceptance should be done without fear, without reticence and without confusion but done wholeheartedly with the feeling from deep within that says: “I am ready and I want and dearly wish to be a part of this” and it is in this deep desire and acknowledgement that the power and the beauty of this gift will manifest in this world, something that has never happened in a consistent way, ever upon this planet.

You have elected to break the ground, to bring something new, to bring this precious opportunity to join together the wisdom, the love and the beauty of the Celestial Kingdom to the world in which you live. What a wonderful venture this will be and you have the full support of the Celestial Kingdom. All the resources that are available to us are available to you if you so elect to receive, to act in this responsible manner, to take seriously your commitment, to hold the Love above all else in your lives. God’s Hand is upon you, beloveds, because you have allowed this to be so. God’s Hand has been placed upon you because your souls desire this, because you have reached out to Him and been blessed mightily and this is your opportunity to give to your brothers and sisters in gratitude and joy and acknowledging the great Truth of His Love and existence. Many long to know this and many are asleep in this world but will be awakened from their slumbers one way or another and when they are awake who will they turn to? What will they turn to? You must provide a beacon of light, an opportunity for those souls, many of which will be awakened in harsh ways, but awake nonetheless. They must have the opportunity to turn to light, to understand the truth of their true existence, the meaning of their lives. As God’s instruments, you will have the opportunity to provide these truths to others and as these gifts are developed, the platform on which you will speak will widen so that you will be able to reach many, many souls. You will have the credibility, the veracity and the beautiful expressions that will convince many and give trust to many.

Yes, these times of which we have spoken for many years are now upon us and in the seriousness of these times requires a seriousness of action and effort and we are pleased that you are willing to make the efforts that are necessary to accomplish the work that is coming. I bless you my beloveds, beautiful friends and I love you dearly and acknowledge your beautiful souls. Continue to seek the guidance, to walk this path in all sincerity, to be in harmony with God’s Will, His Laws, His Love and to know peace and the joy of recognizing that you are truly blessed.

God bless you, beloved souls. May He keep you in this Light always. We love you, we are with you and we will continue to support you in many, many ways for Love is like this, is it not? You are lifted up, you are enveloped, you are guided, you are strengthened, you are healed, you are given peace and you are provided for. This shall continue, always. God bless you. I am Seretta Kem. I love you. God bless you.