Messages 2017

You work to bring greater harmony into the world

October 24th, 2017

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Seretta Kem. God bless your beloveds. Yes we did indeed have a successful session this morning - did we not? Many of you felt the differences in the conditions in that room. And this was accomplished in only one day. This is a very good sign, my beloveds, a very good sign. And you did take to heart what I had to say the day before (The message of 23rd October was not recorded successfully.) and brought this into your prayers and into your time of restfulness. And you are coming closer to those conditions deep within you that cause you trouble. Yes, this first week, is a week of adjustment, of experimentation from our part and of what you may call housekeeping, in terms of harmonizing conditions, both within you, and in your singleness of purpose, as you work together.

I would like to encourage you to see what benefits may come from this gift. As you all recognize that the influence of humanity upon this planet is bringing suffering, not only to your brothers and sisters, but to all creatures upon this planet. All creatures are suffering from these conditions, both energetically and physically in this world. And so when you reach for this high condition, to develop these gifts, there will be commentaries upon the affects of the creatures of this world, on land, in sea and air, all the creatures. How they too may be benefited by your efforts. And I know there is a great Love for the many creatures of this world amongst you and you are also praying for them, and benefiting them. So this is not just for humanity that you work. It is for all the creatures, all the beautiful creatures of this world, that they may find their place once again, in this beautiful planet of yours. That there may be harmony everywhere and all through the many layers of creation. When this harmony is established, there will not be so much illness amongst humanity, and deprivation and less imbalances in the natural cycles and ecology of this world. There will be symmetry in the world. Where humanity allows the natural cycles and existence of so many beautiful creations of God so that they too may have their place, and these things of God’s creation will be respected and honored and loved.

I’m not used to giving instructions for material things. (Jeanne says “you should hang out more often” - laughter… lots of laughter. The interruption was caused by a visitor at the front door. Seretta Kem starts up again…) I find these things troublesome (more laughter…) And indeed your world offers many different experiences, so different from the world I inhabited so long ago. But yet the demands of humanity continue do they not? For you must live in this world and indeed your world will become less complicated in the future as humanity learns to be in harmony with God’s creation and Love. So many problems are created by the perceptions of all who live here, and their ways of going about their business and creating these conditions that humanity so insists upon having in this world. The material comforts, the material perspective, these will change, as life evolves, as perceptions change, as souls are awakened and the understandings of the heart emerge. And as the mind’s limitations are challenged and become less of a force in this world and the soul begins to take precedence, so many things will change for you and for all.

With this gift you bring greater understanding of this. For there will be changes that will come quickly to this world and there will be in its stead a great confusion, a misinterpretation that somehow God has become mankind’s enemy. And this is not the Truth. As you well know. God Loves His children, but for harmony to be in place in this world, there must be change. And for change to come, there must be a disruption of the present cycles and ways of doing things in this world. And so with mankind so many will be angry, disturbed and fearful for they can no longer rely upon their sense of power and the exertion of their will to such an extent that all else is subjugated.

Those who are in power, who have great wealth and comfort, are insulated from these dreadful conditions and deprivations, to a place of awareness, and many will see the error of their ways. And this unfortunately requires a severity of change and challenge so that those who are blind may open their eyes, there must be a shock, a condition that is not gentle, but insistent.

As God pours His Love and energies into this world, many of the conditions that mankind has built are being neutralized and swept away. And what will be placed in its stead, my beloveds, if there are not the instruments in this world to bring the Truth? To bring deeper understanding to mankind so that your brothers and sisters may allow the unfolding of God’s plan for the salvation, of not only themselves, but for this world. And you must, my brothers and sisters, see clearly, that this is a great effort, a very important effort to bring this world from the brink of great suffering and imbalance. You have a saying sometimes the cure is worse than the disease, and this may be perceived as such, for many are comfortable in their present conditions, their state of unawareness as they place the pleasures, the physical appetites, but does little to bring harmony to others, to this world.

So my beloveds, you have great work ahead of you. You will not be alone. Others will join in this work. And your efforts, your commitment, your prayers and your eagerness will add a great fuel to this fire. This conflagration will engulf the entire world in time, and amongst the ashes you must bring home Truth and clarity. So you see, as you sit amongst all the beauty, peace and the luxury of your lives, that in time everything will change, it must change. But you will not suffer my friends, you will see the necessity behind these changes and you will come to accept them joyfully. Knowing that in the end, those generations to come will know a life of peace and prosperity in harmony with the laws of God’s creation and Love. But change does not come easily to humanity, such resistance, such fear, because without an awakened soul, the mind merely sees the object expressions of change. Where the souls see the purpose, the wisdom of the soul understands and accepts. And so as your souls awaken, you will see. Do not swim upon the surface of your consciousness, but dive deep into your souls, and see what you are doing. It’s a bold act of your soul responding to God’s call and accepting His Will. And in doing so, you open up a whole world, a whole different world that will come into your minds and consciousness bit by bit, infusing every part of you, every cell within your bodies, every aspect of your spirits, every part of your minds and everything that is your soul. As these blessings and energies, the power of God’s Love is infused within you, as the angels and spirits alike continue to work upon you, bringing change, feeling comfort, peace, Truth, wisdom and Love.

You will show the way, my friends. And do you not see that these tentative steps that you have taken in the last few days begin a journey that is awesome in its nature and beautiful as you become a powerful agent of change in this world, because you have chosen to be in alignment with God’s Will. And thus God pours His blessings upon you and shall continue to do so in ever greater increments as your souls expand and the changes are wrought within you and you see the world differently. Everything about you will change, my beloveds, because everything within you will change. This is only the beginning, there is much more to come. Continue to release your fears, those things within you which create stumbling blocks and begin to walk in the Light of God, with fullness and a joy that will carry you heavenward and bring many gifts through you to humanity. Your souls have already made this choice and your minds begin to follow. God bless you for this, my beloveds, God bless you for all that you do in this world.

I am Seretta Kem and though I know you wish for me to speak of many details regarding your efforts toward direct voice, we will leave this for another time. I think what is most important is that your hearts and souls are in alignment, and that your minds accept and are open to this great venture. And this comes deeper with each day. And with this, the doors open wider, the possibilities greater, the Love deeper and thus it will be amongst you, a further awakening of your souls, a deeper understanding of what it is that you do together, and why. God bless you beloveds. We continue to be with you, with each moment, day and night, we are with you. And we will sustain you beloved souls as you continue to venture forward, and seek greater harmony within yourselves and amongst yourselves, and with God. God bless you, God bless you.