Messages 2018

A Blessing From Jesus

March 18th, 2018

Hawaii Kai, Oahu, Hawaii

Received by Al Fike


Bless these your beloved children, that your Essence may touch their souls. Awaken them beloved Father to your Presence and your Love. Open their eyes, activate their souls so that they may walk through this life with the sure knowing that they walk with you, that you guide them, protect them, carry them to greater Light, that they may serve you in love and joy, that they may truly see all that is in your creation as an expression of Love, that their hearts may swell with joy. And when they gaze upon their brothers and sisters they may truly recognize the beauty of their souls, the possibilities that come from the awakening of their souls, that they may work towards these ends knowing that you guide them. May your Light and the gentle Touch of your Hand always be with them beloved Father. That they may truly know that they are your children, that they may go to their Heavenly Father with all their concerns, those things that they are concerned about and care for and all those loved ones which embody their lives, that your Holy Spirit may touch them and touch their loved ones and carry all into the Light.

Beloved souls, you have been changed by your experience together. You have been called together to spark the Light within each one of you more intensely, to bring the possibilities of bringing Light into this world so in need of Light. Work together, beloved souls. Know that you do my work, that my work is Love. Know that you have my prayers with you upon this journey of service. Know that I know you and you are my brothers and sisters of which I have great love, a great love for you. For all souls who struggle in this earthly condition and still seek Light, still desire to rise above the darkness are a part of my family, as I am your elder brother and you may seek my counsel. You may seek my presence in all the work that you do to bring healing, love, comfort and compassion to your brothers and sisters in this world. You have the blessings of the angels, the power of God’s Love to bolster you in your efforts to dispel the darkness. Know this when you feel overwhelmed by these earthly conditions. Remember this, that I am with you, that God is with you and shall never leave. He is always by your side.

As you continue to listen to the sweet voice of God, you will come to accept the journey that is ahead, the changes that are coming for each one of you, the doors that will be opened and Love will touch everything and change everything. Do not hold yourself back from this path of awakening, of journeying in Light. God will show you the way. You will know your steps. You will find your true selves, joyfully expressing the gifts that God has given to you in ever greater capacity and depth. You will be His clear and beautiful channels of Love in this world. God has enlisted you in His Plan for the salvation of mankind. But first, you must find your own salvation in Love, to be uplifted, to journey in the world but not of the world. To be full within your souls with love and joy, peace and wisdom, as God pours His Truths within you and you awaken to all that is upon the Divine Path to at-onement with God.

The angels journey with you, my beloveds. I journey with you and each of you has the blessing of an angel that has dedicated themselves to your journey of awakening. God blesses you mightily, beloved souls. God gives to you of His bounty, His unlimited Love, His many blessings are yours. Continue to open yourselves to what God wishes to give to you. Continue to accept the journey, even those parts that your minds may soundly reject, yet are palpable and powerful within your soul. You begin to live in this world from a different place, a different perspective that at times it is not sensible to the mind yet is powerfully truthful to the knowings of your soul. This is your challenge, beloveds, to walk in the world but not of the world, to be true to your true selves, to be at peace at all times and to be a channel of Love wherever you go.

You will continue to be guided and instructed upon this Path. The angels will attend to you, beloved souls. God’s Guidance will flow to you as His Love builds and builds within. Sense the pacing of your soul, the journey. It is a step by step awakening. Allow this flow to be as it must be. Do not push your journey forward willfully. Yet God hears and knows the eagerness of your soul and will feed you as you may have the capacity to receive. Be patient, beloved souls. Be faithful, be at peace. Your journey only just begins. There is so much more. May you absorb and savour and bring deeply within you all that you have experienced thus far and God will give to you what is meant to be given in the timing that is in harmony with the awakening of your souls.

Pray to receive this Love with every moment you have to give, long for this, even if it is just a moment. Long for this and say your simple prayer, “Father touch my soul with your Love”. You must come to know the power of prayer, my beloveds, and rely upon this truth, that a heart-felt prayer will bring what you require, even if it is wordless, merely a longing, there will be a response. You are in God’s Embrace, beloved souls. Remember this, you are in God’s Embrace. Trust in His Wisdom, His Will and all will unfold in your lives, becoming a magnificent journey of awakening, of service, of knowing Truth.

Blessings to you, my beloved children, my brothers and sisters whom I cherish and love. I am your brother, Jesus, and I walk with you. God bless you beloveds. God bless you.