Messages 2018

Allow God to Work Through This Church - F.U.S.C.

June 10th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Martha. I was once a part of your congregation, at your church. Many years ago, before any of you were a part of this place, I was there, and many of my friends were there. I am pleased to see that you are commemorating all the years of all the people that have put their love and heart into this place, your church. I want you to know how pleased I am that you are including now the Truth of Divine Love, in this place, for that has always been my way to God. I am now a member of the Celestial Heavens and we have banded together to help to bring these Truths to your church. Many of us, who have had some association, not only with your church but many of you, are working to bring greater Light and more harmony to this beautiful sanctuary. I wish to remind you that our beloved Master Jesus blessed this place and re-consecrated this church for God. It now has a special Light, something that when you pray and continue to be in this place with the highest of intentions, will increase that Light. The harmony and the power and the beauty of that place shall bring within it the Grace of God and all His Blessings, blessings of healing and peace and blessings that opens the heart and soul to Love.

This is what a true church is meant to be, a sanctuary from the outside world and all its conditions that do not bring harmony. A true church is meant to be a place of peace and harmony, to encourage others to go to God, to be open and loving. So you must all be examples of this. To embrace all who enter your threshold and to allow them a place within your family, that they may feel a sense of belonging and that they may have an understanding of the longings of their souls, those longings which brings them to this place of Light, that draws them, as the laws are enacted within this church, the Law of Attraction, the Laws of Love.

So beloved souls, always try to express your gifts in its highest form, that it may be in harmony with God’s Will, that you may support and help many lost souls in your world, for so many need your help, need your love and need this place of sanctuary. As long as your doors are open, and your prayers are said, and your commitment is firm, this church will continue to bring the blessings of Light to many. God does not turn anyone away. God does not judge anyone. God’s Love is unlimited and unrestricted. God embraces all souls who are willing and open to be close, to be with God in Light. So in this gift from God, in this church, you have the opportunity to reach out to many souls and to give in Love. I will be at your celebration and many angels will accompany you as you celebrate and praise in gratitude the opportunity that you have, to have such a place of Light, such a gift from God. Always set your intentions to the highest, my beloveds. Whatever you do, may you do it in Love.

Allow God to work through this church. Do not overemphasize your plans, your dreams. Rather take your prayers to God and try to know His Will. In this way the perfect plan is revealed, and all is in harmony when God’s loving Hand is upon your efforts. In this way the human condition is dissolved. The problems become small to insignificant as the Grace of God inhabits every nook and cranny, every soul that comes. Grace, my beloveds, grace is the key. Pray for grace to inhabit this church, that a deep peace may be there always, and the power of Love may enliven all that you do and all that you say and all that you are together.

Seek for the highest. Seek to be true to your own soul and to be in God’s Grace always. This is your challenge, my friends, and great opportunity that God has placed before you, to seek for the highest and be and do the greatest good that you can. Have faith that God will guide you through, that God will bring you all together in ways that are surprising and beautiful. It comes with Love, fellowship, acceptance, and a lack of judgement of others. You are blessed my friends. God continues to bless you and bring you together in all kinds of ways, opening the doors of opportunities so that you may indeed work together and be together. In this, the highest good and the greatest outcomes will manifest.

May God bless you with every step you take, inspire you with His Plans, His Intentions, and may you willingly and humbly accept the invitation to serve in this way. You will see that this little church will draw many, many souls who are seeking answers, who are seeking fellowship, who desire to be in the Light. God bless you my friends, I am Martha. My love is with you and my prayers continue to be for all of you. God bless you, I love you.