Messages 2018

Allow Yourself to Receive the Love of God

February 25th, 2018

Manhattan, New York, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.


Dear beloved souls, I am Augustine, once the Bishop of Hippo, many, many years ago and I presently reside in the Celestial Kingdom. My soul has been redeemed by Love, the Love of God, and I reside far up in these Heavens, very far from this world, this world which is so dense and difficult.

I have come to acknowledge your efforts, beloved children, to counteract the conditions of humanity, to bring Truth and peace and Light to this world. Each of you here is a Light. Each of you here yearns and longs to be a greater Light and service in this world. For your souls know your destinies, beloveds. Your souls have a desire to progress further in your spirituality and your Light.

I come to tell you beloved souls, of a Truth. A Truth so simple, yet so powerful that many overlook these possibilities of soul progression and awakening. God loves every child in this world. The power of God’s Love is infinite and this Love is available to every soul that yearns for it and asks for it and is able to receive it. One receives this blessing and gift through a simple prayer and longing. It does not require words or creeds and doctrines to receive this gift. Merely an outpouring from your soul of desire and allowing yourself to receive this gift from God.

The world needs this Light beloveds. The world needs your Light. The world needs your change and a shift of perspective from the material concepts that humanity have brought to bear on this world which must be tempered by spirituality and Love. Each of you is challenged in this way and each of you has a desire to some degree to certainly change within you, to bring a shift within you, to become more spiritual in your nature and more loving in your demeanour. Many of you have a deep desire to serve humanity, to help others to come to that place of deep understanding of who they are and what their potentials may be, those gifts that lie within the soul.

God may help you and assist you in this, beloveds. As you are more open to what God has to give to you, this will enhance everything that you do and everything that you are. It merely requires your consent to say, yes, I am willing to be open to this gift. I am willing to be open to what you have to say and to give to me.

It is an expression of faith. It is often a cry from the soul to receive this wondrous gift. The gift that redeems, remakes, heals and brings you to at-onement with the Creator. It is this powerful, beloveds. It is this beautiful and it is available to every soul no matter their condition, their thoughts, their beliefs, their religions, their creeds and their doctrines. None of these things determine the desires of the soul in this simple, simple way of asking and receiving.

Add this to your beliefs, beloveds. Take this Truth to your heart. Exercise your will towards God and ask for this blessing and you will see that something will come to you. Something will stir within you. Your soul will feel the deep Touch of God and this will bring you joy, my beloveds, joy and understanding, upliftment and healing. This is God’s gift to you, to each of His children. May you come to know this gift. May you come to see the Truth of what I say.

In this invitation comes the opening of a door, the unlocking of your heart, the freedom from the tyranny of your mind to a place of deep joy and wisdom and knowing in that inner place, those inner chambers of your soul.

God bless you beloveds. I am Augustine and I am happy to be with you this day. God bless you. My love is with you. God bless you.