Messages 2018

Angels Pray for us in Our Awakening

October 22nd, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Maureen Cardoso


Beloved souls, it is Mary. May I just say how beautiful it is to see you answer the call of prayer. Dedicating yourselves to your awakening, to coming closer to God, with your building of desire, this great fire inside of you to serve humanity through your purpose of being a great channel of love for God. As it was said, you will feel us closer as we are building a great, deep, strong, eternal bond with each of you. Beloveds, this will become stronger and stronger. This vigil of angels in prayer for each of you is very strong, continuous, and each of those angels that have been assigned to you are deeply dedicated to you, to God, to serving humanity, bringing great light to this world so that all of God’s children may know of His great Love and tenderest care. And so that each soul has the ability to awaken while on Earth, drawing in this great Love of God that harmonizes all of the chambers of the soul, bringing them into alignment with the laws of creation and the harmony of love.

My beloveds, we watch over you and we pray for you. We will continue in our dedication. My motherly love is with each and every one of you. You will hear the sweetness of my whispers to you because I am near you with my love, with my guidance, to uplift you and to uphold you. I love each of you greatly and my prayers are also with you.

God bless you my children in your dedication to your awakening and to serving your brothers and sisters in love. God bless you. I am Mary and I love you.