Messages 2018

Be Cheerful on the last Day of the Retreat

September 1st, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada - Mediumship Retreat Closing

Received by Jesper Sorensen


I come here today into your circle to cheer you up a bit on your last day. Very happy to be here. Such a joy to come here and spend some time with you. I’m really in a playful mood at the moment and I hope you all can feel that.

It feels wonderful to be together like this. We think so. There’s great joy in heaven after all of these efforts you have done to come into condition with the Fathers Love.

I come with great love for everyone here. You are all instruments of our Father to bring His divine love into the world. This is a mighty task that you have before you but you are all very capable of doing this work. You all can step forward with this love. It just requires your trust and your willingness to do it There is not much to think about, it is basically just stepping forward and following your guidance, your souls’ guidance. You will all be guided as to what you need to do. So you can trust that you are all guided as we will all guide you from our side of life. You’ve had a great soul bonding here in this gathering and this love you can take with you into the world and share it with other people. This is the way of love my friends. To be open to one another and to share with other people, and to touch them.

So many people are lonely in this world and so many people need a little chat so whenever you find you are able to have a little chat with someone that’s another opportunity to extend your love to the next person. Indeed, you are all very well capable of these things. Just trust yourselves. You can all do this. I am pleased with all your efforts, and you all feel the love within you, and now it’s just all about following it, what does it want? and listening to it and step forward. Take small steps. One step leads to the next and soon you are fulfilling your purpose in this way my friends. Life brings love and laughter. This is what your world needs. I’m glad I’ve had a chance to come and talk with you and share my love with you. I love you all dearly. You are my brothers and sisters. Trust in love my friends. This is the way. God bless you.