Messages 2018

Birthday Blessing for Al

July 23rd, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Jesus. I come to mark the milestone of this beloved brother who has walked the Path Divine for many years and has lifted the torch of truth in his life and carried it far into the world. I come to acknowledge my brother, who is one of my disciples, for the Truth of the Father’s Love is his credo and his life. I walk with him and declare that he is truly my brother upon this great journey of awakening the soul through the Touch of the Father’s Love. On this day I declare that he is well upon his purpose, his journey of service to God, that he made before even incarnating into this world. His soul committed to bringing this Truth and living this Truth in the world. Indeed the light shines within his soul. His dedication to truth, his loving expression to others, his example and his strength and forbearance, is a blessing to not only you, my beloved brothers and sisters, but to many. His light will continue to grow, as will yours. His soul will expand in love and gifts shall come forth that will benefit many.

God continues to bless him as he does you, my beloveds. All who make this journey, who love God in their hearts and souls, who pray for the inflowing of this great blessing of His Love, shall walk in a light, in the grace, and the beauty that God’s Touch affords to all His children who are indeed close to Him in love and faith. Beloveds souls, each of you have this blessing and opportunity to walk in this light, to be in this great flow of love, to truly be a part of God and a part of God’s Will in this world.

God is close to you within your souls, my beloveds. Your souls know God. Bring yourselves into alignment with this truth and reality, and much succor and truth, experiences of God, will come to you beloveds. This journey of awakening is for every soul who so desires it. Every soul who makes this effort in prayer and earnest longing, shall be touched by the Holy Spirit, and changed by this touch and awakened in Love. These truths are simple truths, but most powerful truths, beloveds.

Embrace God in your hearts. Embrace one another in love and live a life that is in harmony with the laws of your creation and with love and you will know a joy deep and profound. You will experience life from a perspective that is truly of the soul and of the soul touched by God. Your perceptions, your ideas, your experiences of life will reflect light, will reflect the power of love and will reflect the beauty of God’s creation. Many, many gifts will flow to you beloveds. Many, many possibilities will open to you. Many blessings will flow through you to others.

Each of you, within your hearts, seek this, the desire to be in this great flow of love, to be servants of love, to bring greater light to this world, to come to know your brothers and sisters with eyes of love and acceptance, to embrace all and bring all into the light. For God wishes that His bountiful blessings pour forth to every soul, every beautiful soul. For it is their birthright and yours, to be blessed mightily, to be uplifted in light and to know God and His Love.

These many blessings await you, beloved souls, and are available to each one for the asking. Set your hearts to prayer. Bring yourself into alignment with God and all these things of which I speak shall be given to you and more. For the great bounty of God’s blessings has no limit and is of the highest and most profound nature. You cannot receive anything greater than what God has to give you, my beloveds. You cannot experience anything more profound and wondrous than God’s Touch of Love within your hearts. This great and wondrous blessing is free to all and given without limit.

May you drink these waters beloved souls and walk this beautiful path to at-onement with God. For this is what your souls seek. This is the fulfillment of your existence. This is the greatest blessing of all. May you come to know this, beloved souls, and live in this truth and you will find a great joy, a deep satisfaction, and a capacity for love that is immense and will reach out and touch many. This is my message to you beloveds. This is my message to the world. Seek ye the Kingdom and all shall come to you, is as true today as ever.

There are many in your world who are deeply in need, whose pain is great and are lost and in darkness. You must reach out to humanity with love and compassion, with truth and with peace. May you do so with each day and walk in this world as a light, a channel of love, a child of God. God bless you my beloveds, and blessings to this dear soul who has spent his life seeking God. He has found indeed the Source of All. God bless you my beloveds. I am Jesus, Master of the Celestial Heavens, and your brother. God bless you.