Messages 2018

Choose The Straight Path

February 18th, 2018

Hollis Woods Community Church, Queens, New York, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.


I am Matthew. The world is in darkness, my beloveds. I believe that you feel the conditions of that darkness in the world. You are aware of it and you live within it. Yet you continue to reach to God to bring Light into yourselves and into your lives. You do make great effort to cleanse your souls, to seek Truth, to be in Love and be in the flow of God’s Love.

It is God’s Will that places of Light, Centres of Light and places of refuge from these dark conditions be created in the world. We continue to encourage you to seek out these places which God has designated and to help bring these places to a condition where this Light may glow and be intense so that those who come may find the refuge that they seek. Are you willing, my beloveds, to continue to work towards these ends? There are few who are willing, yet there are many in need. Can you dedicate yourselves to the service of mankind, through serving God and knowing His Will? It requires a deep dedication, profound faith and powerful Love within your souls.

Each of you are on a different path. You have your struggles. You have your challenges. You have your conceptions of what it is you must do to bring yourself closer to God. And yet, within each one of you the flame of God’s Love burns. In this way, you are connected. You are brothers and sisters in this great family of God. Indeed we encourage all who have a desire and a dedication to serve God in Love to band together and work together. For there is much work to do, my beloveds, much work to do. You have at your disposal many angels who are eager to assist you. We wait as you grow stronger, as the Love within your souls continues to shine brighter, as you come to know the wisdom within, opening those faculties of the soul that will bring you to a place of strength and clarity, wisdom and purity, Love and Love for all mankind.

Yet we do not push you, pressure you, or insist that you seek greater Light within yourselves. Yet within you is a deep desire, a longing to be free of the conditions of this world, the conditions that you have gathered within yourself that are not of Love, needing to be released so that you may serve as a pure channel of God’s Love, as His Instruments, powerful, resplendent in Love and Light, peace and joy. These noble aspirations, these compelling goals to serve God, are heard by the Heavenly Father. He continues to assist you, to bless you, to guide you along this path, for this world is in deep need of servants of Light that may bring Truth, express Truth, be the example of Truth in the world and to create greater Light in this world as channels of His Love.

So we urge you to contemplate the possibilities, not within your minds, but within your souls, of what it is that God wishes for you to do, how He will carry you forward and urge you upon the path that He has designated for each one of you. All is dependent upon your will, the timing is in your control. The possibilities may be expressed and realized in accordance to your efforts each day to come closer to God. So we leave it to you, my beloveds, to you and your choices and thoughts and efforts in service and in Love. Once a choice is made, doors open. Possibilities are realized. Understanding is clear. Love flows. You must come to a place of clarity, of dedication, free from those demands and conditions of the world. “In the world but not of the world” my beloveds, this is the ideal stance in service.

Yet each of you must fulfill certain obligations and contracts that you have made in life. In many ways this becomes a dilemma, an obstruction at times and a challenge often. Yet the power of God’s Love, the beauty of this touch from God seems to disperse what dilemmas may be in your lives and what obstructions may cause you to turn away. So I assure you, my beloveds, in your minds you may see a route so circuitous and difficult as to be impossible, but with your souls you know and understand the route that is straight and narrow, clear and in harmony.

Yes coming to that place of deep clarity and understanding is not easy. So many forces in this world direct you elsewhere. So much within your minds create these obstructions, and yet the persistence and the power of your own souls continue to urge you forward as your souls listen to God’s Will, God’s Love for you. Thus the choice is present. What will you listen to? How will you proceed? What avenue to take? What thoughts to cultivate? What efforts to nurture?

When one listens to the urgings of the soul and the wisdom of the soul, there is no real choice. Merely the recognition of the one choice that God presents to you, to love, to expand in Love, to express Love, to love yourselves and to love all those around you. In this way the opportunities in life become clear, powerfully clear. Your tests and your struggles are evident with each day, but your strength and your wisdom become strong and clear and more powerful with each day.

Do not place yourself in the condition of worry and concern with anxiety about the future and about what must be done. Today is the day to be a channel of Love. It is that simple. Leave tomorrow to God. Leave tomorrow, with the faith that tomorrow shall be expressed in all its potential harmony and service and goodness and Love.

Be at peace, my beloveds, know that you are loved, that God seeks to carry you forth in Light and that you are safe and cared for. Be confident that you will make the right choices with each day. And if you do not, have compassion for yourselves, with the realization that when you seek for the highest, you may not always be able to reach that goal. But, you must keep trying, and do so in Love and the appreciation that God Loves you, no matter, you are loved.

You are loved by many angels, my beloveds. You are loved in many ways, that your life may be a pure expression of Love as that potential exists. It is determined by your free will, your choices.

So, my beloveds, walk in Light. Maintain your prayer practices and efforts to be with God, seeking His Gift of Love. Know that with each day, as you progress along life’s path, many opportunities will come your way. You will continue to grow and expand in your Love, your consciousness of the Truth. God will never let you down, my beloveds. God will always be with you. His Love is consistent. His Love is with you.

You shall find your way. Yes, maybe it will not be the straightest path, but you will move forward, progress in Light and grow in Love. This must be because of the power of the Love within your souls, compelling you forward. God’s Touch is upon you, my beloveds, encouraging you forward. You continue to desire this and be upon that path to at-onement with God.

God bless you. I am Matthew, and I love you. God bless you, beloveds. God bless you.