Messages 2018

Directions for Direct Voice

September 25th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


God bless you, it is Seretta Kem. I wish to convey some guidance to your group of seven regarding the time you will be spending together. We continue to furnish guidance to you all in regards to our mutual venture. Some of the guidance that is coming is somewhat technical and requires this instrument to be in optimal condition in order to to bring through this information. I would like to suggest that you reverse your routines, so that you may sit in prayer for guidance in this room in the morning, and retire to the dark room in the afternoon. In this way, this instrument will be in the condition that is required. We will help and support him to be thus.

Because of his physical limitations, it is not optimal for us to communicate in the afternoons, so sitting in the dark room in the afternoon would be convenient for all concerned. Discussions and exercises and whatever you deem to be helpful to you, may come in the morning. I would suggest that you utilize the entire morning for prayer, discussion, and other spiritual activities. Take your breaks in the afternoon and come together again late afternoon for the dark room. Yes at times it may be a blessing to come together once again in the evening, though this is not absolutely necessary. But as you well know, whatever you can do to raise the condition of your minds and souls, the light around you, we ask you to do.

This time is rather short together. It is not altogether unreasonable to expect sacrifice and focus, plus discipline in the ways we have asked you to do. Beloveds, this is a very crucial time. One that will require your focus and will require the highest efforts. The most intense concentration, the most intense prayers, longings, the disciplining of your minds is required so that all negative thoughts may be expunged from your mind.

You have made great progress in the interim. You have all been changed in deep ways, through your efforts in prayer and your efforts to be in good spiritual condition with each day. Now comes the culmination of your efforts as you come together in prayer, as you beseech your Heavenly Father to bless you with greater portions of His Love and to facilitate this gift of direct voice.

The conditions of the world are worsening, as you well know. Events are coming that are extreme and disruptive. The earth is changing and humanity must be flexible and willing to change with it. Though our message will always be to go to God to receive His blessing of Love, to reach for higher things in life, we will also be sharing important information with humanity on these changes that are coming. As they approach and are realized, we will provide assurances and scientific explanations and spiritual causations, as to what is taking place. You see your work will be on many levels. Your work will be recognized by many. This is God’s plan and the outcomes will be surprising indeed, for you all.

So these deep preparations, deep prayers and focused efforts are very important at this time. This is not a casual matter, beloveds. This is a crucial time, the calm before the storm. We will utilize every moment to help you to come into that condition where you are most receptive and most powerfully in the Love and light.

Every misstep has its effects and you must be very vigilant as to your thoughts, what comes out of your mouth and what comes into your mind. You must spend time in deep prayer. May your thoughts always be on God, on love, with deep compassion for all that you meet, deep awareness of your own motivations and prayers to expunge all that which is within your mind and soul that is not in harmony with love.

Yes we ask much of you, beloveds. But the world needs much of you, and so does God. You have made that decision to serve. Though you may have done so naively, your souls are well aware of the commitment that you have made and the extent and depth of that commitment.

Do not let negative forces pull you from that deep river of love that you are immersed within. I am not suggesting that you withdraw from the world in every way. This is not the way of God. But as you are in the world, do not be of it. In this way, you are strong. In this way, you walk in God’s Light and Will and become a clear channel of love. Without this strength you will not be able to fulfill the requirements of this gift. Though you may indeed be able to manifest this gift with the means that are at your disposal, if you are not prepared to walk in the world in light and clarity, there is no reason for this gift to be given.

Your responsibility is to carry the light, to live in the Truth of God’s Love, to put aside those things that are of the world, those feelings that are not mature in nature, mature within the soul, those thoughts that are focused on the material in ways that are not useful or necessary. Yes we ask much of you, beloveds, but much is given. Much is laid at your feet. Great efforts have been made to uplift you, beloveds. We rely upon your good intentions, wise choices and longing souls to bring us together in harmonious cooperation and work so that what is planned may manifest and add to God’s plan for the salvation of mankind. There is no time for dillydallying now. This is the time to fully commit and to fully expend your energies upon this effort.

We commit to you, beloveds. We are with you. We are with you more closely than we have ever been. God grants us this gift. God blesses our efforts and God shall bless every effort that you make, beloveds, ten-fold, a hundred-fold, as long as you are clear, focused and deeply within your souls in prayer. All will fall into place. All will be a beautiful flow and you will, within yourselves, know that you are on the right path. Your faith will be strong and your perceptions will be clear. Your understanding will be full and you will be at peace. Joy is your blessing, the joy of service, the joy of fulfillment of a purpose and a gift, the joy of knowing you have served God in deep and profound ways.

Be in His Grace, beloveds. Seek His Love. Make it a constant desire within you. Walk in the light. Know that you are capable of fulfilling this destiny. God provides all. You must be in that place of reception, eagerly desiring this Touch from God, and all will be well. God bless you, beloveds, I am Seretta Kem. I will continue to speak to you when you are present and part of this circle. God bless you. My love is with you.