Messages 2018

Faith Rides Upon the Wings of Love

October 23rd, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Maureen Cardoso


I am Mark. I was with you when you were reading the message I gave on faith. Yes, it is faith, my friends, that allows you a greater sense of well-being and knowing, this internal knowledge, these internal truths and an internal knowing. For it is when one prays for Divine Love and this Love begins to accumulate in the soul that faith rides upon the wings of Love allowing the individual a sense of knowing. It is when one has a sense of faith within them, when they come upon a time in their life where they experience struggle or something that has taken them by surprise, faith is enacted, a sense of knowing that all will be well in whatever way it turns out, whatever the outcome. There is a knowing that God is guiding and cause and effect is at play.

When one wants actions to cause certain outcomes or sequence of events, this is a natural unfolding of the laws of creation which no one is above. But when one has a deep faith within them, they have a place within them to be comforted by as they build this bond with their Heavenly Father. Their faith continues to grow as they move through various outcomes, due to consequences of one’s actions.

In your world, there is much that is happening around you, through your own faith there is a knowing inside of you, that you will be taken care of. This very knowing is available to every child of God, should they build a beautiful relationship with their Creator, should they receive Divine Love in their souls and have their souls be cleansed which will allow them to choose acts and deeds that are harmonious with Love.

So as one continues to pray, longing, yearning and receiving this Love, their faith grows. Yes as was read in the message, you truly can only compare your growth, your faith, with yourself. How you were months past or years past to the stage of your being now, these are your measurements, the way you can mark your progression. You can witness others’ progression as well, those people you know well. You can see this in their actions and words and choices, but it is your own personal growth that you witness most. As your faith grows, so does your knowledge and your knowing. Your soul expands and there will come a time when you will not question and wonder, what is your next right step? Everything simply will flow by the Grace of God and your deep connection to your Heavenly Father, the One who has created you. So this grows in each one who prays for the gift of Divine Love, this eternal gift that our Heavenly Father, our beloved Creator wishes to bestow upon each of His children.

I wish to say to this dear instrument, that yes, I walk with you. Our rapport is deepening and I will be near you and we will traverse this world together. I will guide and protect you just as you have the feeling that I will.

I thank you for this time this evening and I join you in prayer to be close to our Heavenly Father. God bless each of you. My love is with you. I am Mark. God bless you.