Messages 2018

From a Seed the Great Tree Grows

January 12th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


Yes the bonds of Love continue to bind you all in close connection and Love, and though you have found it difficult to go into the greater world, to find your way through these conditions that are part of humanity, you carry this Light, you carry this connection one with the other, with you. We continue to work with you beloved souls in your efforts to sustain this Light, this venture of direct voice. So just as we have bought you together to pray together, so we have encouraged you to go out into the world and find your way in Light, in service, in harmony and in Love. For how else can you bring this gift forward, but by moving forward yourselves, stepping into the conditions of this world and dealing with all that comes your way in your life?

Though you have the angels with you and God’s Hand upon you, you must still deal with the power of your own choices, the conditions of your own minds, the emergence of your soul and how this fits harmoniously into your lives. These are deep challenges my beloveds and you often feel the upliftment of God’s Touch and the weight of the human condition and your own dilemmas in this world. But you cannot hide away from the world can you, my beloveds? You must live in this world, but you must live in the highest conditions that you can create through your efforts, your desires and your prayers. In this struggle you truly forge the opening of this gift of direct voice, for you must be strong my beloveds as we have said in past times, you must be strong. You must choose the Light, live in the Light, express the Light of your souls, be in harmony with God, be in harmony with one another and be a channel of Love for all those you encounter in this world. It is not easy, but in order to change conditions of this world you must step forward into it and be that beacon of Light.

Some of you feel that you are waiting for something to happen, waiting for God to call you to some magnificent task and be a channel of His Love in this way. Being a channel of His Love my beloveds is a humble thing, simple. It is not grandiose. These ideas come from your minds, not from your souls my beloveds. It is walking in the world with humility and grace, Light and Love and being prayerful and asking with each day that God may gift you with the opportunity to serve in Love. God shall surely put in your path many opportunities to touch another soul, to be a Light in this world, to be clear and strong, faithful and loving. Yes many things are coming, many opportunities.

Some indeed are out of the ordinary and others are not, but each day brings its lessons and each day brings its opportunities. It is the soul that is humble and faithful that walks each day with peace and with the acceptance of the gifts that are given. Do not sit and wait for God’s call in your life. God has already called you beloved souls and each soul that has asked to serve God has been called. Seek the ways and means of serving God with each day. As you are open with your minds and your souls, so you will see and recognize and acknowledge what lie before you are mighty gifts, mighty gifts. If you feel that you are not fulfilling God’s wishes, His Will, it is often because you do not fulfill the will of your own mind, your conception of what service is in this world. This brings a sense of disharmony and dissatisfaction, yet when you are in harmony with God there is great joy and fulfillment. All those little experiences and things that you do in your life have deeper meaning and the feelings that you have are deep and wondrous, full of delight and joy. This is the expression of your souls beloveds. This is the wonderment of God’s blessing of a life given to you.

I do not say that you must only see from this small perspective what life has to give to you, my beloveds. It is important that you do indeed see the bigger picture and to grasp the opportunities to serve and to reach out to many souls, to affirm the possibility of being used to bring forth manifestations and blessings. This comes as well in your life, but first you must hold a deep humility. You must see from that perspective of the soul. You must bring Love into everything that you do and everything that you are, for in this way you build the conditions required to do these greater tasks for God. They come in accordance to your Light, in accordance to your strength and your Love. They come because you desire this, but having desire is not the only requirement. You must have the Light within your souls and the wisdom to express this Light in harmony with the Will of God.

Yes there are some in this world who eagerly wish to serve God, but their ideas of service often require something that satisfies the ego, the desires of the mind. So they wait for that great moment to arrive, and yet it does not because it cannot. This is not how God works in the world my beloveds. He grows a mighty tree from a seed, something so small, seemingly insignificant and yet in time, moment by moment, day by day, nurtured in Love and in the right conditions that little shoot becomes a mighty tree. So it is with you my beloveds. You must simply grow with each day, having faith that God is creating in you something so magnificent and beautiful and powerful and yet accepting with humility what each day brings.

As you seek the Love of God my beloveds you will come to know your destinies, your purpose, the gifts that you have within you, your eyes open, your awareness blossoms and the knowings of your soul speak to your mind. It is happening my beloveds, this great awakening within you. There are times when you feel great optimism, excitement and times when you feel let down. These are the conditions of life, but you are aware of how you may control these conditions with your own discipline and prayers and love for yourself. So my beloveds, I urge you to make those choices for Light always, as I have always done. I encourage you to seek the Light and to reassure you that we are with you, and that God’s Love continues to grow within your souls, changes manifesting in your conscious mind drop by drop, step by step.

We are happy to see you together in this joyful way, again with this desire to serve, to develop the gifts that have been promised. We will work with you in these moments together. Yes I would urge you to go to the dark room once more, though you are not a full complement and we will make every effort to bring in the others to work with you all together. You continue in this great effort as do we, and we shall see what comes of this. God bless you my beloveds. I am Seretta Kem and I love you. I continue to serve you and pray with you and bring what blessings I have for you. God bless you beloveds. God bless you. I love you.