Messages 2018

F.U.S.C. will continue to be a Refuge and Sanctuary - 100th Anniversary

June 23rd, 2018

Burnaby, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


Each of you carries a Light. Each of you is nourished by God. God continues to embrace you beloved souls, to uplift you, to carry you ever higher in grace and Love, in peace and Light. May you continue to walk in the Light, beautiful and precious souls. May you continue to gather together, in this place, in this sanctuary of Light that God has provided for you and gives to you many blessings within this place and shows you the way to greater Light, beloveds. This church will continue to stand. It is blessed by God, graced by His Hand and shall withstand all conditions that may come in this world. This church will stand firm and continue to be your refuge and your sanctuary. May you continue to uphold this place and recognize the gift that is this church. I say to you that all who enter this threshold shall be blessed and shall continue to be blessed and those who are coming shall be blessed.

May your prayers continue to bring greater Light, greater peace, greater Truth to all those souls that seek to be in Light. God bless you my beloveds. I am Jesus and I am with you beloveds as you continue to struggle towards Truth and Light, Love and grace, I am with you. For you seek the teachings of Truth as I sought to teach Truth. It shall be that this place may be a sanctuary of Truth and Light. God bless you. I am with you. I shall always be with you, beloveds. My love is with you. God’s Love is always available for you, my beloveds. That Fountainhead continues to rush forward into your souls. For all those who will drink, these living waters shall quench your thirst and carry you to greater and glorious Truth, Love and joy. God bless you. God bless you.