Messages 2018

In Many Things You Are Closer To God

March 5th, 2018

Punaluua, Oahu, HI, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike


When you play in the waves, you are closer to God. When you feel the sun upon your face, you are closer to God. When you make a meal and share it with one another, you are closer to God. All of these things and many more things are blessings from God. Share your joy, beloveds, share your joy and come to know how richly you are blessed, how God continues to uphold you and uplift you on your journey to at-onement with Him. How richly blessed you are and how much you are loved. I love you and I continue to be with you to help you feel the true joy within your souls. Bless you, beloveds. I love you. I love you. God loves you. God blesses you.