Messages 2018

Keea-atta Kem Introduces Herself - Online Prayer Circle

October 21st, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


Beloved souls, I am Keea-atta Kem and I have been assigned to be your overseer, so to speak, in this effort to come together in a Circle of Light.1 I welcome each of you, beloved souls, to this circle of prayer and love. You have each been drawn, beloveds, into this circle seeking community and friendship and connection with one another, and to be in a state of receptivity and prayer to God. I can assure you that each of you has an angel by your side. Each of you at this very moment is being blessed by the Father’s Love and uplifted in light. Each of you has the Light of God’s Love within your souls. This continues to grow and flourish with your prayers and efforts to be with God and to be in harmony with God’s laws and the laws of His Love.

Beloved souls, continue to reach out to one another, to seek each other out in prayer, in discussions, in all ways that you may be connected. You are indeed connected by your souls to one another. This law of attraction assures that in this way you know one another. As you introduce yourselves, have you not all felt a thrill of excitement and recognition that you are all brothers and sisters in this love and light, that indeed you are not alone in your efforts? Wherever you are in the world, you are not alone. Not only do you have your brothers and sisters in your world, but you have many who attend to you from our world. God’s Hand is upon you, beloveds. God’s Hand brings comfort and healing and peace to you all. His Love continues to flow, always, always, beloveds, so that your soul may indeed feel its awakening and connection with God.

Beloveds, may your lights continue to shine. May God’s Love continue to flow into your souls in great abundance so that you may feel its strength and beauty, the power and the glory, the wonderment and the joy, of the Father’s Love transforming you with each day and bringing you closer to all that is good and in harmony and in alignment with God.

We will be with you always as your efforts continue to grow in the love and to reach out to others. Soon this community that you form will grow in ever greater numbers. There will be a great many who will wish to come together in this way and wish to come together in prayer to receive His Divine Love and be in this beautiful peace and upliftment, beloved souls.

I am Keea-atta Kem. I once resided in the land of Egypt many, many years ago. I was one of the many of the daughters of Ramses II. I came to know the Father’s Love soon after our beloved brother Jesus proclaimed the opening of the doors to this gift. I have been in the Celestial Heavens for many, many years. I too serve the Will of God and to help humanity to come to know the truths of God’s creation and blessings for all. It is my honour and a privilege to serve you thus, my beloved, beloved brothers and sisters, in God’s Love. I will be with you, each one. You may ask for my presence and I will come to be with you in your prayers. Beloved souls, lights from around this beautiful world, may you come to know, with great certainty and understanding, all the wonderment and beauty of God and His Love for you. God bless you. God bless you, beloveds. I am Keea-atta Kem and my love is with you. God bless you.

Note 1 This was a Zoom based on-line Circle.