Messages 2018

Mary Brings Her Blessing

August 26th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada - Mediumship Retreat

Received by Al Fike


It is Mary and I come to give you my love. I watch over every child that desires to serve God.

You are familiar with the work my beloved son brought to earth. The Essence of God touching his soul allowed him to teach many, those that would listen and come to understand and know God on the level of soul.

My beloved children, take this time you have together nourish your souls drink in these living waters, ask your questions for you are amongst those that have walked this path, who have lifted their souls greatly and are sharing with the world the many gifts God has opened in their souls by this Love. We in spirit embrace you and I bring my love to each of you.
God bless you, I am Mary and I love you.