Messages 2018

Nurture Your Souls in Prayer and Service

October 11th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


I am Confucius. So my little birds wish to fly and fly you must, fly you must little birds and fly you will, fluttering your wings, bringing light to this beleaguered planet of yours. Beloved souls you shine bright with your lights. You express your desires to serve God and to serve humanity in such beautiful ways and with beautiful prayers and you give of yourselves to one another and to your brothers and sisters in the world.

Every time that you serve another, you strengthen your wings. Every time you go to God to receive His blessings, your song is a little sweeter, your plumage more beautiful. The sweetness of your song and the beauty of your soul will touch many as you continue to come closer to the heavens and closer to God, beloved souls. Beloved souls, know that I am close. I watch you and I feel a great joy to see you come together in this way, to nurture your souls in prayer, to hold onto one another and say “I love you, you are my brother, you are my sister.” To be dedicated in this way, with ambitions to serve God and to bring light to this world, beloved souls, you are uplifted for your efforts and ambitions and desires. God hears your prayers and sends His angels to minister to you, beloved souls. Many, many beautiful angels are with you and you will continue to draw many into your midst. I have been with you when you gather around one of your own in healing love and prayer. You draw to you a beautiful light when you focus your love upon another and beseech God to touch them deeply, to lift their burdens, to heal their bodies and to enliven their souls.

Beloveds, beloveds, you continue to work deeply, bringing profound changes not only within yourselves but within each other in this great effort, this dedication of time and prayer to uplift yourselves in love. God will always care for you beloveds. His tender ministrations shall be yours for eternity. The light within your souls assure this to be. Each day you grow a little in love and light. You walk a little straighter, you carry a little more wisdom, you bring deeper perceptions to your consciousness. You taste the sweet nectar of your own soul’s joy in being with God. God’s Presence is with you beloveds. These are holy moments, sacred, blessed. Drink deep, drink deep and soon you will soar to God in blissful reverie and songs of joy. Drink deep beloveds and be in the grace of God’s Touch. Yes, yes, the Father blesses us all does He not? All who come in fervent prayer and deep longing. You are blessed my beloved, beloved children, blessed indeed.

God bless you. Confucius loves you.