Messages 2018

Practise the Truth of God’s Love in All You Do

January 24th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


It is your teacher, Augustine. May the Father’s Love continue to infill your souls bringing you ever closer to the Creator and bringing greater harmony and Light and wisdom within. For it is the power of the Love within your souls that must inform your actions in this world, my beloveds. It is faith in the power of this Love, the beauty of this Love and the wisdom of this Love that will direct you into those actions that will bring greater Light in the world. Allowing the wisdom of your souls, the perception and the Love to be expressed through you in each and every opportunity you have during your daily life.

This is what God beseeches you to do, my beloveds, to practice the Truth of God’s Love with everything that you do, everything that you are and every thought that you have. To bring all of these aspects of yourselves into harmony as you continue to live in this world but not live engaged in the darkness, but the Light. Yes, you must be vigilant of your own thoughts and judgments and tendencies towards negativity which are a part of every individual in this world. This is the norm, this is what is usual. But you have consciously decided to take another course, a route in your life that is of Light and harmony and Truth. So with this commitment that you have made with your soul to God you must see each opportunity and experience, each interaction that you have with others as an opportunity to test your resolve and your commitment to Truth. This is how you learn and grow and become stronger, for even in those times of failure to bring Light and succumb to negativity, with the awareness of your soul, with your prayers to God and those times of contemplation and meditation in your spiritual life these situations come to your consciousness and you are able to see clearly the choices that you have made. Those choices that are contrary to Light that do not bring your true desires, the results of your soul desire to bring Light, can be examined and corrected, both in your thinking and your actions.

It is in changing these patterns, my beloveds, that it is so difficult, for your soul is of Light, your soul is beautiful and carries the wisdom and the strength that you require to bring Light into every aspect of your life. Yet it is your minds, beloveds, that often act contrary to the wishes of your soul and this is where your greatest challenges lie, beloveds, to be aware of those patterns, to seek and to rise above these old ways and thoughts and responses to life. This takes a great deal of effort and awareness and the decision at the very moment these negative patterns emerge to say, “Stop! I will not respond in this way. I make this choice. I will be of Light and Love. I will change the current of these energies that I am expressing so that they may come into harmony rather than darkness”. Yes, this is true spiritual maturity and strength. To make that decision which is not altogether too difficult, but must be consciously made in the moment, rather than indulging in old patterns that are easily ignited in various situations in your life.

So be aware my beloved students, that your souls desire Light and that you have come to that place of awareness and knowing that this is what you truly desire, for this is your true self and what is within your mind is the illusion of who you are. It is not your true self. With the gift of God’s Love, it is creating a merging of the mind and the soul that in time there will be harmony and Truth and wisdom within all aspects of your being. So, each day is an opportunity to step closer to this place of harmony, of expressing yourselves with an unanimity within where there is no conflict, no sense of betrayal of the soul by the mind nor of the mind to the soul, but to be in that place of unity as you confer within yourself the right way, the way of Light and the way of harmony.

This is not easy, my beloveds. In this world very few take up this challenge for they are usually distracted by their material concerns to take this as a serious venture in one’s life. Yet you have come together as well as your contemporaries, those who have associated with you in whatever spiritual path they choose to take. They too, wish to be in Light. They too, have a longing within their soul to be in harmony and peace. So my beloveds, when you encounter those in your world who wish to work with you or be with you in this Light, confer with yourself and with them that you are indeed in the Light. Expect this, nurture this and model this with others. For how else can there be change if you cannot model change, express it in a clear and unambiguous way in the world? This is your challenge as well.

So you must expect of yourself to be in this condition of Light and harmony, that your choices, your words, your thoughts, your actions all reflect harmony. Know that in this world it is not that you can easily express everything with perfect harmony. No this is difficult, but the effort and the intention to do so is important. It brings you closer to that place of perfect harmony. You are learning with each step that you take. You are growing with every prayer that you make. You are loving with each effort to reach out to another and to clear within yourself a place of Light and Truth that is in harmony with Love. Yes, you each have your challenges as does each soul in this world. Yet God has placed you within this world to learn and to grow and to know your own self, to find your soul, to choose within yourself the path that you need to take that is resonant with your own unique being and soul.

So God urges you along your path. He sends His angels to accompany you. He blesses you with many gifts and blessings. He gives to you what you require to walk this path of Light, to be this being of Light, to choose Light, to express Light, to be a channel of Love in the world. As you continue to open that avenue of expression within yourself, so God will use you as a channel of Light and Love in the world. He utilizes all those instruments, individuals and beautiful Lights to assist others in this world, to bring this world to a place of greater Light. You pray each day to serve God and God hears your prayers and assists you and guides you and encourages you and inspires you to be that beautiful channel of Light, to be that beacon and that expression of Truth in the world.

May you continue to aspire to the highest, to be in harmony with Truth, to be a channel of Love and in all of this so many doors of service will open, so many opportunities will come your way and the lessons will be gifted to you so that you may grow and learn. It is all part of God’s Plan for each one of you. It is all within the flow of His blessings, His care and nurturance of you. As you walk in this world, know that you are blessed and loved and cared for. That you are never alone, for God is always with you and His angels surround you and you are within His grasp and protection and Light. This shall always be so provided as you seek for the Light and His Love.

God bless you. I am your teacher, Augustine and I love you dearly, beloved souls. God bless you. God bless you on your journeys. I love you.