Messages 2018
Seek for the Highest, the Source of All Blessings
October 14th, 2018
First United Spiritualist Church, Burnaby, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
My beloved children, I am with you in your struggles, in your lives, in all that you seek to be upheld in light, I am with you. For you see, we all carry light into the world. We carry light through our prayers, our longings, our actions and our thoughts. In all ways, we carry light if we desire to do so. And when you come to gather here, beloved souls, God blesses you all and replenishes you. As you open your souls to His living waters, they will be quenched of their thirsts. Open wide, beloved souls, open wide for God gifts you with all that your souls desire and heals you of all that burdens you.
Seek for the Highest. Seek for the Source. Seek to be at one with God and all wondrous blessings and gifts shall be given to you, beloved souls. Blessed are those who seek and find in the rapturous Light of the Father’s Touch. Blessed are those who give in love and find fulfillment within their souls, in their expressions of light. Blessed are those who seek wisdom, for they will find all wisdom in God’s Touch. The knowledge of the universe, beloved souls, is given to those who may see and know through their souls. Awaken, beloved souls to love and all things shall come in this.
God bless you. God bless you. I am Jesus. God bless you.