Messages 2018

Seek the Light in a Changing World

February 25th, 2018

Manhattan, New York, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.


I too inhabit the Celestial Kingdom. The world is changing my beloveds. The world will have a great upheaval and change and those of you who feel compelled to strengthen yourselves in Light, to uplift yourselves beyond the conditions of this world, to awaken yourselves, you must be prepared to ride the storms that are coming. You must be strong, and you must be sure of your own Light. For without this strength in the world many of your brothers and sisters will suffer greatly. You must lead these children into Light, show them the way of a new world, a world in greater harmony, a world with Love, Love for one another, Love for Truth and peace to all.

Are you willing beloved souls, to put aside all conditions that are not of Light and to work together to bring greater Light to this world, a world so in need, a world desperate for Love? Seek your path to Light. Be sure of your footsteps. I urge you to go to God for the strength that you need, to ask for the blessing of His Love which will indeed bring greater Light to you.

This is our message to the world. This is our message for you, beloved souls. Seek the Light. Know your own soul and bring Love, bring Love wherever you go. God bless you beloveds. I am Confucius and I bless you, I bless you. God bless you.