Messages 2018

The Loving Power of Women Bring Light to This World

March 8th, 2018

Punaluua, Oahu, HI, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike


I am Keea Atta Kem. Yes, you speak of the power of women and I say that if it was not for the prayers and efforts and love of women in this world, it would be no more. For so many have hardened hearts, are consumed with darkness within and yet there are many, many women in this world who with their prayers and their love and their expressions of caring, nurturing and beautiful expressions, have healed many hardened hearts, have softened the edges of those who would be filled with rage and uncaring. So it is that much of the power of the Light within this world comes from the women of this world, for it is their natures, their gifts and their beauty that has brought much of the goodness in the world and how their nurturing of children have directed their beautiful souls and thoughts towards positive outcomes. Those who make for difficulties in this world are not confronted by anger with those women who are close to them but with love and wisdom.

Yes it is meant that there be equality in this world between the sexes, yes. For without the coming together of these two different perspectives of life, there cannot be balance. And there must be balance in the world, my beloveds, for men and women are a gift to one another. They carry different strengths and in this they complement one another. But, as it is in this world at this time, there is imbalance that needs to be corrected. The world needs so much more love and caring and consideration of each beautiful soul. If this were to be so and expressed in the world in powerful ways, then so much of the destruction and negativity in this world would be neutralized and a new perspective will emerge and bring greater harmony and obedience to the laws of God’s Creation.

The women must play their part, for they are the stronger in love. They know within their souls what is in harmony with God. They must express this in their firm but gentle ways in the world. God needs all those who are willing to be a channel of Love. God needs for humanity to awaken from their slumbers that their souls and may be enlivened by Love and that their conscious selves may be aware of the laws of their creation, the consequences of their actions, the effects of the power of their own thoughts and expressions in the world. So many go about life unaware, merely responding and acting without wisdom or love. For those women who are strong spiritually and are filled with love, may they remind others what is important, why you are all here in this world, not to gain wealth and power and to control others. No, this is folly. But to express Love and nurture and encourage the wonderful hidden gifts within each individual. This may be done in so many ways, each individual soul has many gifts and wisdom to be expressed in the world. May you, my beloveds, continue to seek ways to bring this Love forth, to bring the message of God’s Love to this world, to encourage all those you meet, to express the highest parts of themselves, to be loving and kind, joyful and creative, to be God’s Children.

You carry a Light, my beloveds, you carry a Light and you carry a measure of the Truth. May you walk in the world as the bearers of Light and bring Love wherever you go. In this way God will bless you mightily and you will know a joy so deep, so full, that you will see the world very differently indeed. God is with you. God continues to bless you. May you continue to be open and receive those blessings and know the inspirations which He places within your souls. God bless you, beloveds. May God bless all the beautiful women in this world who are loving and the Light. I am Keea Atta Kem and I love you. God bless you.