Messages 2018

The Role of Direct Voice in Awakening Humanity

May 20th, 2018

Gibsons, B.C. Canada

Received by Al Fike


May God bless you with His Love. I am John Wesley and I’ve come to speak to you about the progression of humanity in regards to understanding their souls and how this does indeed relate to your efforts for direct voice. You witnessed an event on the morrow (the day before) that gave you an idea of where so many individuals see the world of spirit and understand their own lives from this perspective. It is quite rudimentary in nature.

So much of humanity, so many of your brothers and sisters, lack insight and understanding beyond a simple desire to be reassured by their kin who have passed into spirit. They seek simple comforts, simple words of reassurance, of proof of the passing of those they love. I dare say these are the more sensitive and somewhat enlightened souls in your world. So very many others do not consider these ideas to any great degree. They walk in the world blind and asleep, unable to awaken and see this glorious journey of life for what it is. Thus this world remains in the darkness of ignorance, of lack of understanding, of fear and inability to see beyond personal needs and desires. Thus the world wallows in these conditions that are not of Light and this has been so for many, many thousands of years beloveds.

Humanity has not progressed much in all of these centuries of seeking Truth. Yes there have been strides in science creating a more comfortable life for each person who is able to access these gifts and ways of life, and yet the soul continues to languish undeveloped, unrecognized, unseen and unknown. Yet your work focuses on the need to educate and enlighten your brothers and sisters in the ways of the soul, in the higher thoughts and the understandings of their own spiritual natures. This is so needed in your world, a world distracted, full of many thoughts and perspectives that are often unable to bring humanity to a place of true spiritual understanding and joy. Instead these constant enquiries lead to more questions, a greater desire for Truth that is often constructed by the intellect based not on Truth, but on projections, ideas and concepts passed down from one generation to another, added to and re-configured to suit the popular culture of the day. Yet this does not bring joy, true awareness, deep understanding or soulful awakening.

The soul craves God. The soul needs a relationship with its Creator. The soul cannot progress to any great degree without its connection with God, receiving the Essence of the Great Soul and coming to know its true origins and purpose, as a soul progressing within the great flow of God’s Creation.

So you carry this invaluable key, this knowledge of the power of Divine Love. Yet when you go to speak to those who are in your arena, often this message is missed, it’s relegated to some simple understanding that has no real meaning. This is the way of the world, my friends, and I know some of you have great frustration regarding your efforts to bring this Truth to humanity. The condition of humanity is that they cannot hear and they cannot see your Truth to any great degree. Yet you continue to try to move ahead, to reach out. You make your efforts to bring the words of Truth to the world. You do so in many different ways and means and God continues to support you and guide you, as your intentions are to bring Truth and Love and change to this world.

My beloved brethren, your work is important. Your efforts, your focus, your intentions and your prayers are important. The world cannot change without individuals forging ahead, seeking to change within themselves, seeking to share their experiences, their Light and their love with others. So each one who chooses Light rather than darkness and sleep are precious to God. You carry something very precious, my friends, a Truth that can awaken humanity, a simple Truth, yet the most powerful Truth in the universe. Now you seek the assistance of bright angels and pure spirits who wish to come and speak and manifest the Truth in ways that humanity may listen and see and experience through this gift of direct voice. It is a noble venture my friends, one that has captured your imaginations, one that excites us in spirit who always long to reach out to humanity, to forge this link between us in our world and you in yours. So we continue to work together, in this great effort to bring the Truth clearly, that it may be demonstrated to the world. And that all those who wish to listen, to see and to experience this gift of Love from God may do so with the power and forcefulness of a demonstration that they may see with their physical eyes and know through their senses that we exist and that God’s Love is real.

May you carry on with your efforts, my friends. May you not lose hope or interest, or dedication, or commitment or enthusiasm, but that you may continue to bring the Truth within your hearts and souls, to live this Truth with every breath, to have faith that there is a Plan, a Divine Plan to uplift humanity, to bring all souls to greater Light, to end the darkness, the suffering, the ignorance and all that damages the soul of humanity to a place of reconciliation, of healing and upliftment. So we rely upon you, precious lights, to assist in this enactment of a Plan for the salvation of mankind.

God needs you my beloveds. We need you. The world needs your efforts. There are times I know when you feel inadequate, when you are afraid and when you doubt. The conditions of this world threaten to overwhelm you as you struggle for the Light. I tell you, we are with you, we struggle with you, we pray for you and we walk beside you. We are your friends who indeed seek the greatest benefit for yourselves and for mankind. God blesses all who are seeking Light and He endeavours to bring many blessings to fulfill what is needed, to encourage, inspire, to Love, to heal and to bring you to a place of strength and Light. Your precious souls are on an important journey and mission and within your souls you have committed to this great and worthy effort to bring Light to the world, Truth and Love. As long as you are committed, as long as you walk this path and seek the grace of God within your souls, you will be upheld, protected, guided and blessed. This is always the case as the laws of Love are enacted and expressed in each loving soul’s life.

You are never alone. We see you beloveds, we know you. We may know you even more than you know yourselves, but most of all we see the Lights of your souls and understand the workings of your souls and we see the powerful love that motivates you from within. The desire to not only be healed but to heal, not only to seek Truth, but to express Truth, not only to be loved but to love. So with these things burning like a fire within you, you will find your way. You will express Truth with the many gifts that God pours within you and awakens with His Love. So these gifts come to the fore and you, my beloved souls, will awaken and be astonished by what you see and know and experience in the course of your life. The power of God’s Love is infinite and cannot be thwarted by darkness or the will of mankind or any power within the universe, because this is the greatest power of all. The power of Love is what makes the universe what it is. Love is all around you my beloveds, and Love is what you seek, so continue to seek it with all your hearts, to pray fervently, to be open to God and to know that God is with you and carries you forth.

God bless you my friends and thank you for listening to me today. I am John Wesley. I am an inhabitant of the Celestial Kingdom and I continue to work with you and with others to bring greater Light to humanity. May God bless us all in this great work. God bless you my beloved friends. God bless you.