Messages 2018
The Transformative Blessing of God’s Love
October 1st, 2018
Gibsons, B.C. Canada
Received by Al Fike
Ahh we are close to begin, are we not? I wish to comment on the statement made by this instrument regarding ectoplasmic manifestations. With the level of manifestations which the dear soul who gave the lecture is engaged in, these aspects and elements are required as he suggested. These individuals, this group that has worked on this level of manifestation for many years is quite cognizant of what is required. For you my beloveds, you embark upon a different venture and those aspects of information and elements required for this form of manifestation which was discussed are not relevant to this effort.
We have often talked about the power of God’s Love and how this is a transformative blessing. This blessing is like the facets of a diamond, many elements and gifts are a part of this one gift from God. And so when these aspects of this gift are integrated into your being with the help of we in spirit, with the help of your own efforts, then many things are possible. Because these gifts and facets grow with each inclusion of the Father’s Love into your soul, we have encouraged you to be intense in your prayers and your longings for this gift, as this is the key to all that we endeavour to do is it not? To be clear channels of the Father’s Love in this world and in this way many things come, many possibilities are realized. So you cannot take the yardstick of another’s experience and effort which is valid and real but not relevant to your own. There will come a time my beloveds when you will teach these people the power of Love to bring manifestations forth in the world as God’s channels of Love, God’s instruments of His Will as you continue to engage and subscribe to God’s plan for the salvation of mankind.
The time that these two dear souls had in that place of learning and sharing was valuable. It showed what is possible at this time through the means that were implemented for material mediumship. It adds perspective to what you are doing and how you are doing it, and you see how different it is, how it is predicated on different principles, the laws of God’s Love are different beloveds than the laws of the natural world. You learn the beauty and wonderment and power of God’s Love and how this changes everything, it changes you, changes the structure of your soul and enhances the gifts and potentials that lie within it. Do not underestimate the power of Love. It is the greatest force in all the universe and this Essence from God has such great potential.
We work together to direct and focus this potential into various streams of work and effort. So we continue to pray together, to sit together in circle for development, the angels busy with their work doing what is necessary to support your efforts and develop your gifts. You continue in your work and efforts to be close to God. Though your minds continue to speculate and are eager to perceive all the many aspects of this beautiful cut diamond that is your soul, this comes with greater insight developed by your soul’s faculties. We may explain things in words and give a facsimile of the truth, but real truth comes from the opening of your soul with all the realizations, insights and perceptions that are gifted there coming to your consciousness, coming to you as a gift from God. In this way the truth will be clear, the details will be put forth, and you will not be led astray, nor detoured by machinations of your mind. You will go directly to Source and come to your own understandings.
Beloveds you continue to work together and you continue to discover the wonderment of your own creation and we all come together focusing our efforts and desires to bring truth to mankind. You are gifted beloved, beloved souls, with great resources. God has His Hand upon you. You are coming awake, you are discovering your own true potentials, abilities, all empowered by Love. This process continues and we work closely with each one of you so that you may continue to grow and develop as a cornucopia of gifts flow from you. Not because of your own measured desire but as a natural pouring of the power of God’s Love within you. This is why day by day it is so important to be in prayer, to uplift yourselves, to be in positive frames of thought and doing world, because in this way bit by bit the truth emerges and the gifts come forth.
You are indeed blessed beloved souls and will continue to be in God’s favour and blessings. His Love for you is immense and you will discover with each day another facet of the diamond that is God, another way of seeing the world, another way of knowing yourself and knowing God. This is an endless journey towards truth and towards God. What you have experienced thus far in your life, is like a drop in a vast ocean. So much more is coming.
So great is God’s Universe, so wonderful is your ability to perceive and know it. You have come awake my beloved, and you will continue to open your eyes, your hearts, your souls, your minds to great insight and deep love. May God bless you upon that journey my dear and beloved friends. I love you so. I am Seretta Kem. We will be close in this time together, very close indeed. God bless you, God bless you.