Messages 2018

The Work Begins

February 23rd, 2018

Adria Hotel, Queens, New York, U.S.A.

Received by Al Fike.


I come, my beloveds. I am Jesus. I come to bless my disciples who are willing to travel the road and bless the children that come upon their path for those who do so are truly my disciples for they do so in love, they do so carrying the Truth and bearing the waters of life.

Beloved souls, come to know the abilities and the strengths of your souls, how through this avenue and channel within you, you will work amongst mankind and you will bring the Truth with an open heart and as God’s clear channels of Love, and these blessings shall flow. Do not underestimate the power of God’s Will within this world for you will find your way as His channels and instruments for peace and Truth and change. With the strength of your faith, the power of the Love within your souls, so you shall accomplish much in this way.

Remember that the lost souls live in this darkness, the haze and clouds of the human condition and for them to find their way through this, to come within the Light that God is creating amongst you is difficult. So you must have compassion and you must be patient. But every deep change within the world, within the history of mankind, comes with a single drop of desire. To bring greater Light through you, my beloveds, it starts with a single drop. But as you continue upon this journey, the efforts will increase, the possibilities will multiply and the work shall grow.

You just begin, beloved souls, you just begin. I am pleased to see that you begin with faith and a trust in God’s Will and a desire to bring Truth of the highest order to those you speak to and to those you minister to. It is this singleness of desire, this coming together of your souls to work within the flow of God’s Plan for the salvation of mankind that will continue to open doors and bring about possibilities and opportunities for you to bring what is meant to be brought into this world. Drop by drop, my beloveds, each effort builds upon the next and the next until you reach many souls in this world. You just begin and I am very pleased that you are willing. I shall lead you forth, beloveds, upon this Path Divine, upon this work blessed by God, upon all these efforts shared by you upon this earth and we in the Celestial Kingdom who work together to touch many souls in this world and the next.

Beloveds, you are truly blessed. You shall continue in this great work. God bless you. God bless you.